Reasons That Make Real Estate an Ideal Investment Option

My Property Boutique
3 min readJun 5, 2019


Real estate investment is often said to be one of the most lucrative and logical investment options. This is because of its capability of yielding higher returns and inflation hedging. Also, real estate investment helps in maintaining funds, and thus provides stability. Here are some of the many benefits of investing in real estate that are explained in detail that will help you get a clear picture of the factors that make real estate one of the most ideal investment options:

Portfolio Diversification

By allocating funds to different types of securities and assets, investors try to diminish their overall risk of portfolio. In simpler terms, it is a much wiser to invest in different types of assets and thus help in investment risk reduction. Asset class diversification ensures that a part of your investment portfolio will be able to appreciate its value at one point due to the economic cycle fluctuations and thus will fetch you good results. Since real estate usually serves as a safe tangible asset, it makes for a great option if an investor is planning to diversify their investment portfolio.

Inflation Hedge

One can easily avoid the rate of inflation affecting your funds by investing in real estate. This is because the value of real estate assets has increased at a similar rate of inflation. This will help you cope up with inflation while your real asset will aid you in maintaining and even improving your existing standard of living in the long run.

High Tangible Asset Value

As we all know that real estate is a tangible asset, but unlike other tangible assets, land will always yield good returns. For instance, a car (tangible asset) will constantly depreciate due to the normal wear and tear, whereas real estate (also a tangible asset) will appreciate with time. And even in worst scenarios, it will at least manage to fetch you the investment amount.

Stable Income

Most of the investors consider real estate so that they can fetch a passive stable income. This is a great option if you are looking for long-term returns, since at one point you will be able to break-even and thereafter all the income you will fetch will be an extra profit. Not to mention the amount you will get when you sell the asset off.

Tax Relaxations

Investing in real estate can allow one to enjoy several tax deductions. Since the amount of operating and financing your real estate will be deducted from your income, it can help you minimize the amount of tax payable. The various taxes that will be deducted from your gross salary are property taxes, mortgage interest, property management fees (if applicable), maintenance, repairs, and any other additional expense.

We hope that this information will help you comprehend the enormous potential that the real estate sector has. So if you are planning to buy a plot or even a villa in Chennai, Bangalore or Coimbatore, you should not delay your purchase.

Author Bio:

The author of this article is a well-regarded realtor in India. She is always willing to help her clients with investment advice, environmental assessment, land use planning and zoning. In her leisure time, she likes to write informative articles to help and assist people who are looking for real estate options for investment purposes.

