Mindmap your way to a massive productivity boost

Tony Hackett
3 min readJun 18, 2017

Have you ever looked at mindmapping from the outside (i.e. not being an advocate or practitioner) and passed it off as the behavior of a team-building workshop?

I am not about to say you got it wrong because that artist’s version of mindmapping has a place and it is in connecting thoughts and ideas into a logical, though not necessarily linear thought capture.

Why Care about Mindmapping?

Just a few of the uses for mindmaps — Simplemind used

Mindmapping is amazingly constructive and efficient, and mindmapping software is the most effective workplace productivity tool. In saying that, I would add that it is possibly the worst marketed and explained software ever sent into the world.

No other tool supports all the uses in the diagram above, but more than broad functionality, it inherently encourages dialogue. This is achieved in various ways, from loose and unstructured brainstorming to the building of presentation or proposal outlines.

But as with many tools, they are not all made equal, which is so in the world of mindmapping software.

Mindmapping Software

If we start with an acceptance that pen and paper are the base level for producing mindmaps, I will share my experiences with 3 applications:

