Signs of Twin Flame Reunion and Their Meanings
Lately, we’ve been talking too much about the struggles of separation during the twin flame journey. I thought we’d change gears and look at some good news, and that starts with the twin flames reunion symptoms.
The spiritual energy of such a union of souls is largely based on a vibration alignment between the twins. This divine connection often includes very triggering symptoms for each twin as they embark on the journey of a relationship that is very demanding, healing, challenging, but ultimately rewarding.
We’ve gone into real detail already about what happens during the separation stage (I’d read that if you haven’t already), and we’ve touched on some separation symptoms, but we’re going to focus more on the signs you’ll see as you start to come closer to reunion.
Please remember: No two twin flame journeys are ever going to be exactly alike. You might not see all (or any) of these symptoms. They offer guidance and nothing more. They’re not the be-all and end-all and they certainly don’t mean you’re not with a twin flame just because you haven’t seen them.
They provide guidance. They’re not a requirement.
Common Reunion Symptoms
- Shared Dreams
- Pure Excitement
- Thinking of Each-other
- Signs and Symbols
Rare Signs of Twin Flame Reunion
- Pulled to a Location
- Recurring Dreams
- Complete Sensation of Incompleteness
- Surrender of the Ego
- Inclination to Try New Activities
- More Reminders of Your Twin Flame (Than Usual)
- Experiencing Unfamiliar Emotions
- Profound Happiness
- Their Spiritual Nearness
- Thoughts of Your Twin Flame
- Stronger Intuitive Sensations
- Life’s Puzzle Pieces Falling Into Place
Common Reunion Symptoms
Parts of the twin flame’s lives mirror each other, sometimes up to a shocking degree. Part of the triggering effect of the twin flame relationship is the fact that shadow or inner child issues are often present in each twin and will often intensify as a result of getting in contact.
The more connected they are without having done personal work of growth, the more triggering the connection will be. Issues will come up time and time again, demanding to be resolved. Working on those issues will bring relief to both twins, but it won’t absolve one of doing that work just because the other has done their part.
The love that connects the two is soul-deep, but it often brings out the worst in each twin and thereby forces them to deal with those issues. That’s part of the nature of the twin flame connection; in fact, it augments shared aspects, positive and negative, while each twin flame slowly adjusts to the new reality.
Shared Dreams
When the twin flames are separated, it’s not uncommon for them to see each other in dreams. Dream sharing happens at all parts of the journey (we’ve touched on it before as a sign of twin flame telepathy), but you’ll certainly see the intensity increase as the reunion draws closer.
In dreams, twin flames are able to be at their most free. It’s already a connection with no restrictions, and at this stage, both twins share their hopes and excitement for the future. That leads us to the next common symptom.
Pure Excitement
Similar to dream sharing — this happens at any stage of the journey but is far more noticeable as you get closer to reunion.
The psychic link between both twins is constantly sharing emotions and energy. During periods of excitement, even when physically separated, mirror souls want to share this emotion with each other.
This is why we sometimes feel waves of unexplained emotion throughout the journey and when both twins become conscious (on some level) of an impending reunion. They’re excited to share this with each other, which causes spikes of energy between the two more and more frequently.
Thinking of Each-other
I almost skipped this one out completely because, of course, you’re thinking about each other already. It seemed like a bit of a no-brainer. One of the noticeable signs of a real twin flame connection is never being far from each other’s thoughts.
One of the main signs your twin flame is thinking about you is when they pop into your head out of nowhere.
Similar to the spikes of energy — this is going to happen more and more as you get closer to reunion.
Signs and Symbols
Number patterns get a little more interesting.
Most twin flame reunion symptoms happen throughout earlier stages of the journey, too. You’ll certainly see twin flame number sequences long before reunion, and while the frequency in signs can certainly increase number patterns carry meaning as opposed to just being general symbols of energy.
As you get closer to reunion, you may see these number patterns change. While some sequences (like 222) are calls to stay the course and look for the long term, you have patterns like 333, which specifically suggest an impending reunion.
Rare Signs of Twin Flame Reunion
Spotting rare twin flame signs can be worth looking out for but remember that these are guidelines and not hard set rules. You might see some, all or none of these. Don’t rely on them too heavily, but they can be a useful indicator.
Pulled to a Location
Individuals may feel an inexplicable pull to a location tied to significant memories with their twin flame, perhaps where they first met or spent cherished moments together.
This powerful draw to a particular spot often heralds the rekindling of their profound bond.
Recurring Dreams
Dreams can become a sanctuary for subconscious desires and may frequently feature one’s twin flame during the phases leading up to a reunion. Dreaming of your twin is common throughout the journey (you’ll often share dreams together), but repeatedly dreaming about them can be a sign that something is about to happen.
These vivid dreams often reflect a yearning for reconnection felt by both of you.
Complete Sensation of Incompleteness
A sudden, inexplicable sense of emptiness, as if a vital component of one’s life is absent, can signal that a twin flame reunion is impending, filling the void and restoring wholeness.
Often, as a result of twin flame mirroring, you’ll feel the sting of loss right before the flow of completeness.
Surrender of the Ego
A noticeable ease in one’s ego, that aspect of the responsibility for balancing desires and reality, can indicate the alignment of universe energies in favor of a twin flame reunion, signaling an approaching serenity.
Inclination to Try New Activities
This one is a result of twin flame telepathy. The energy between the two of you conveys thoughts, emotions and (in this case) a drive to share an interest.
A newfound motivation to engage in fresh experiences may stem from an urge to cross paths with one’s twin flame once more, as new ventures can present opportunities for a reunion. This is both a sign of your energies flowing between you and them trying to bring you both together.
More Reminders of Your Twin Flame (Than Usual)
We both know you already get these reminders from the universe. It’s not that it thinks you’re going to forget about your journey. The universe may send signals through repeated occurrences that remind you of your twin flame, possibly heralding an imminent reunion, as these signs often suggest an ongoing soul-level connection.
Twin flames are already capable of working with these messages from the universe; as reunion gets closer, they just become more noticeable.
Experiencing Unfamiliar Emotions
This is similar to feeling that draws you toward an activity; this same telepathic bond will reverberate your twin’s emotions (and they’ll feel yours). Feeling emotions that seem alien or disconnected from one’s current experiences can be a manifestation of the deep empathic link between twin flames, suggesting their paths may soon converge.
The closer you get to reunion, the more often this link is noticeable (and the more intense the emotions).
Profound Happiness
An overwhelming sense of joy and positivity might emerge subconsciously in anticipation of reuniting with one’s twin flame, a phenomenon often reflected in one’s overall demeanor.
Their Spiritual Nearness
Twin flames share such an intrinsic connection that individuals might perceive the presence of their counterpart’s spirit as an indicator that the distance between them is narrowing.
Thoughts of Your Twin Flame
This is different from spending too much time thinking about your twin flame; you’ll feel them pop into your head even more often. An upcoming reunion might find one’s thoughts incessantly returning to their twin flame, regardless of attempts to focus elsewhere, pointing to a deep meditative link between the two of you.
Stronger Intuitive Sensations
As a twin flame, these are already incredibly strong.
But your already capable intuition will be even more heightened. A powerful gut feeling, without any visible indicators, can often precede a twin flame reunion, thanks to the profound intuitive connection shared between the flames.
Life’s Puzzle Pieces Falling Into Place
When life’s events begin aligning effortlessly, it may be the universe’s way of paving the path for a twin flame’s return, setting the stage for union.
Other parts of your life will seem easier.
What Does Twin Flame Reunion Mean?
Because of this mirroring and triggering effect, once the twin flame connection is triggered or initiated as an initial stage of the twin flame union, it oftentimes results in separation. How each twin flame handles that separation marks the path of their love, flame, and of their soul bond in that lifetime.
While the flame will never again be dissolved once awakened, it can be a journey experienced in union, reunion, or in separation — even in its entirety. It’s up to each twin to do the personal growth and development work needed in order to achieve harmony within themselves and, therefore, within the twin flame union or the twin flame reunion.
When each twin is on the right path, their individual vibrations get higher, and the vibration of the twin flame connection does, too. Once they process enough of their personal issues, the reunion energy attracts them back to one another. Soul yearns for the soul, body yearns for the body, the love remains alive and grows steadily, sometimes over years and even decades — even if the twins make no personal contact.
The reunion process starts off with the growing presence of your twin on your mind, in your dreams, in your desires, and oftentimes in your fantasies. It then materializes with their presence in your life when the time is right on both parts. The twin flame connection grows in intensity, and its vibration becomes higher and higher the more work you do on your own and as a couple once you’ve achieved proper reunion — at which point the energy almost explodes in terms of vibe, becoming blinding.
How Long Does Twin Flame Reunion Take?
The reunion stage is most likely the longest stage of the twin flame connection. While the twin flame union begins as soon as the two twin souls come into contact with one another — at times in physical form, but oftentimes long before their physical forms meet in the current lifetime -, the reunion stage can take quite some time to bear palpable results.
Because the tempo of the reunion depends on the tempo of each twin soul when it comes to healing and processing all sorts of issues and wounds, it often feels trying and can become frustrating at different stages of the journey.
While the basis of the connection is always a high-vibration love, the process often involves feelings of frustration and powerlessness. It takes two to tango, and in this situation, they’re dancing in different rooms, oftentimes not even speaking to one another for long periods of time.
But there are signs that often accompany both twins on their individual paths. They are signs that they are on the right path but also signs that their twin is on the right path, too. The nature of those signs is different on a case-by-case basis, but they will always resonate deeply with the twins and convey the message to keep going on their paths.
What Happens After Twin Flame Reunion?
Once the reunion stage becomes a part of each other’s lives, even if only on a communication level to begin with, there will be a term of acclimatization to the energy.
Again, how long that term might be depends on each twin. Some need a longer time to deal with the changes, while for others, that part is smooth sailing. Once acclimatized to each other’s energy and the new energy of the connection, there’s usually a physical reunion stage — the most rewarding and exhilarating part. After all that hard work, this will be a stage of reaping the rewards and enjoying the fruits of your joint and personal labor.
While this stage isn’t without its own challenges, the love bond is very strong at this point, and it fuels the twin teamwork when it comes to dealing with issues. Issues are approached together, solutions are implemented as a team, and each flame feels rewarded but more so by their union.
It’s important to remember, though, that the journey does not end with this stage — it’s an ongoing process for the duration of this incarnation. It can experience ups and downs, and should each partner’s vibration lower, the connection’s vibration will lower, too. That makes each partner and the connection vulnerable to various issues.
That’s why it’s called a journey.
Want to talk to someone about your twin flame journey? Let me help you figure out what is happening, what they’re thinking and how you can move things forward in the 3D: