You call that health care?!

Time to redefine Health. Part II

Dr Tim Milano
5 min readMar 18, 2014

Yet another issue I am finding is that there are some really great and well intended holistic practitioners, including chiropractors, who are providing a valuable means of dealing with certain deficiencies and toxicities and getting great results in terms of symptomatology but their modalities are not aimed at restoring complete cell function of the whole body. Not that there is anything remotely wrong with this approach, however. When we look at the definition of health how can we define what they are doing as health care? We cannot unless the patient/client is also pursuing ALL other modalities or through their own research discovering ALL the other areas/nutrients needed for optimal expression of innately intelligent cell health.

So here is the challenge with that….

With all of the areas of cell function that we are deficient or toxic in, can you imagine what it will cost if a patient had to pay for all of those practitioners to coach them to a better health??? Could this explain why we have unintentionally not defined, at least in the past, health in this way?

Let’s think about this for a minute. A true health care system that empowers people to eat, move, and think in ways that are congruent with our genetic blueprint will first of all need to educate people what that even means. How much could that cost? In some cases practitioners might do that for free in order to get people in the door. Now, once people begin to understand and believe that changes are in order many of them will need some coaching on how to implement these new learning’s in each category of their life. Who are they going to need? Remember, a majority of the population is already expressing chronic disease and the rest will be soon-it’s just a matter of time, amount of deficiencies, and the amount of toxicities.

So??? Again, who will they need, what are all the things they will be looking to change in terms of lifestyle? Well that depends on what or who they need, right?

Here’s a small sample of what could be represented in this: Chiropractors, (I had to put that one first), nutritionist, dietitians, exercise coaches/therapist, life coaches/psychotherapist/relational counselors, pain managers, dentist, rehab specialist, gym memberships, exercise equipment, flexibility classes, stress lowering classes, “organic” foods. Classes on natural birthing, vaccines, food prep, detoxing, fasting, growing your own garden, natural remedies, essential oils, herbs, lotions, potions, and conspiracies. Each one of these things have a separate and distinct field that deals with one or several of these categories but almost none of them deal with ALL of the areas of health. So how much is that going to cost them or for that matter who’s paying?

As an example, I had a professor in my senior year at my chiropractic college who said, “hey, we are chiropractors, we deal with the spine, let all the other professions do all the rest concerning health and you do what you do, adjust spines?” My question again is, HOW MUCH IS THAT GOING TO COST the health participant when they have to pay for all the other services in order to make their way back to TRUE health??? Somebody needs to see the enormity of what we are asking our patients/health participants to do here. We are preaching at them to take responsibility of their own health and yet look at what they have to wade through in order to do that. The “system” is complicated at best and downright misleading at worst. Who is going to simplify this and make it truly impacting and at the same time make it affordable?

Lately I have been feeling like I have missed my calling and that chiropractic wasn't really where I was meant to be. When I start really thinking about it though I start to wonder what other profession in the health care industry really looks, and has as their end result, the health of the entire person with the goal of optimal genetic expression of the human species. There are few that even have that as the goal and there are many who think they are doing just that but actually are not! Including other chiropractors!!

I’m not saying that every modality or health practitioner should have this goal as their end goal, but don’t call it health care if you are not considering the health of the entire person. They should call it sick care instead and communicate clearly to their patients/clients that if they want to be healthy that they should find out what ALL the requirements are for the expression of optimal health not just for the presenting problem(s) or symptom(s).

In most of the health care industry, medical or holistic, the questions often are “what do I have”, and “how are you going to treat me”. Why don’t we ask more relevant questions such as, “how did I get sick to begin with”, and “how do I get and stay healthy”? There needs to be a major paradigm shift if we ever hope to turn around this epidemic of chronic disease or what we call disease of civilization.

In the end you have to ask yourself what drug, surgery, radiation, or nutraceutical could ever solve problems created by lack of required nutrients from whole foods, or problems created by toxic amount of poisons from pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and other food additives?

What drug, surgery, radiation, or nutraceutical could ever solve problems created by lack of required proper exercise, movement, and posture, or toxic amounts of physical stressors from sedentary living, sitting all day, and improper spinal motion and alignment?

What drug, surgery, radiation, or nutraceutical could ever solve problems created by a lack of required positive emotions and relaxation, or toxic levels of negative emotions and emotional stress?

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If you missed PART I be sure to look for it on an earlier post or click here.



Dr Tim Milano

Helping you to be the best version of you through health; body, mind, and spirit.