Narada Bhakti Sutras

Tenets on devotion and surrender

Sujatha Ratnala
11 min readAug 5, 2023


I was listening to this talk by Swami Aparajitananda of Chinmaya Mission. It was quite something.. In his charming and eloquent language, Narada muni enumerates the What, Why, and How of Bhakti.

It is Love that illumines the world. The devotion of a parent.. The crazy eyes of a scientist.. The passion in an athlete.. The love of the Universe Shining on the Earth.. Tyagaraja’s river of devotion for his Rama.. And what say about the unseen love in Bhakti?

The sutra style of delivery in this work is very pleasing. Short, clear, and simple words. No poetic twists and complexity, and messages have scope for multiple interpretations. Narada muni provides lucid illustrations and pointers for Bhakti. And keywords doubled here and there, making the reading very charming. After all, it is to allure and soak the emotions, and not to overwhelm the intellect. Kind of Bhagawadgita in simple language..

This post has a simple line-by-line outline in English.. Followed by some stories, and the verses at the end.

Ch 1 What is Bhakti?

And now.. Let’s expound on the topic of Bhakti!

It is in the domain of Love.
It is immortal and timeless.
Getting which, he becomes accomplished, becomes immortal, becomes content.
Getting which, he no longer desires, no longer hates, no longer is excited, and no longer laments.
Knowing which, he is inebriated in this bliss, stunned and silenced, and revels in his Self.
Indeed, It is very close..

अथातो भक्तिं व्याख्यास्यामः । १
सा त्वस्मिन् परप्रेमरूपा । २
अमृतस्वरूपा च । ३
यल्लब्ध्वा पुमान् सिद्धो भवति अमृतो भवति तृप्तो भवति । ४
यत्प्राप्य न किञ्चिद् वाञ्छति न शोचति न द्वेष्टि न रमते नोत्साही भवति । ५
यज्ज्ञात्वा मत्तो भवति स्तब्धो भवति आत्मारामो भवति । ६

It is Not in Desire
It is in Cessation
It is in seeing Oneness with It
It is in Let Go
It is Not taking Shelter in worldly objects
It is Indifference to barriers
It is in Indifference to the world and knowledge if that comes in the way
It is Going to that, which helps

And only when in deep conviction
May you turn to the Scriptures
Else there is only Doubt and Chaos
Do engage in the world, only as much needed


How? Exemplars of divine bhakti

There are many ways and recommendations..
तल्लक्षणानि वाच्यन्ते नानामतभेदात्
Listed here are some expressions..
“Pooja and other acts spring this devotion,” says Vyasa
“Listening to kathaas” says sage Garga
“Whatever method it be.. it should not oppose Reveling in the Self”, says sage Shandilya
“Offering all acts to IT. Distancing from IT will seem unbearable”, says Narada

These are the many methods and clues..
Like the devotion of the Braja gopikas.

Never distanced from this knowledge..
Pure and Sublime..
IT’s happiness is my happiness..
tat sukha sukhitvam


Ch 2.. Why?

It is indeed greater than karma, gyaana and yoga.
For It bears fruit

The Lord despises Pride and takes sides with Humility.

“Knowledge alone is the means”, say some
“Knowledge is just a part”, say others
“Practice alone shall reveal”, say Sanaka Rishi and others

Just knowing a King, shall not open the doorways to his palace. Just knowing to cook shall not quench hunger. Action is the key.

Therefore, That alone should be sought after, by the Seekers.


Ch 3 Importance of seeking holy company

And the AcharyAs have sung about the means of sAdhana
by letting go of worldly objects
by letting go of attachments

Amidst worldly activities, by incessant listening and fascination..
by means of uninterrupted Reveling..
by means of shravana keertana, and constant bhajana of the bhagawat-guna

अव्यावृत्तभजनात् ।
लोकेऽपि भगवद्गुणश्रवणकीर्तनात् ।

Mostly, It blooms with great satsang, and in rare cases, it lands just by grace.
And to get such satsang is indeed rare and difficult, but is totally worth it..
It is by grace alone one gets such satsang.

मुख्यतस्तु महत्कृपयैव भगवत्कृपालेशाद् वा ।
महत्सङ्गस्तु दुर्लभोऽगम्योऽमोघश्च ।

Between Bhagawaan and his great bhaktaas, there is no divide and distance.

That alone has to be aimed.. That alone has to be aimed.. Through Satsang with the mahatmas, it can be done.

Likewise, bad company should always be avoided. For it leads to the downward path of kaama krodha moha smriti-bransh and buddhi-naashana And this Bad Company enters like a wavelet, and then engulfs like an ocean..



And who crosses? who crosses this ocean of Maya?

He who gives up bad company
He who does satsang with MahAnubhAvAs who already had that great experience
He becomes nirmama

He who lives in a quiet world, Uprooting loka bandhanam
He becomes beyond the 3 gunas
He gives up worrying of yoga kshemam of acquiring and preserving
He who gives up karma phala
He who gives up doership and becomes nirdwandwa
He gives up chasing even knowledge of Vedas after a point
Such a person obtains that pure undivided devotion,

He crosses, He crosses, and helps the world to cross the ocean of Maya..


51 to 58

IT is indescribable,
Like a dumb person wanting to express his joy..
Yet, IT is experienceable by a few.

अनिर्वचनीयं प्रेमस्वरूपम्

It goes without attributes, It makes one desire-less and intensifies every moment. It is uncleavable, and can manifest only by experience
guna rahitam, kAmana rahitam, prati kshanam vardhamAnakam sukshmataram, anubhava roopam

And having gained that, he sees only of IT, he hears and speaks only of IT, and he thinks only of IT.


In the lower realms, It is seen under the 3-fold divisions of guNas and seeking.
The former.. Yes, the former guNa being better than the latter and the latter.


Compared to other forms, It is Easy.
It does not need any Proof, as it is Self Evident.
As it emanates as Shanti and ParamAnandam.

In the ups and downs of the world, he does not worry, as he has surrendered everything.

He should not give up worldly transactions till he attains the Supreme IT.
The world helps in shaping Him.



Do not listen to stories on lust, money, atheists and enemies
Give up abhimaan damba (He himself hates abhimaana)

Turn your kama krodha abhimaan onto IT..
Prema Karyam.. Prema karyam.. Keep doing it till you transcend the 3 levels Like an eternal servant, Like a wife


Greatest of Devotees

Bhaktaas who are single pointed Ekantra..
When they converse with other devotees, voice is choked with emotion.. goose bumps, tears in eyes..
Their families, and this Earth blessed by such people
Teerta kshetras get sanctified by them
Karmas become sukarmas
reach level of sat-shastras, as it gets validated and preached by them
They are in Tan Maya.. in oneness with It

When such mahAtmas are born, their ancestors rejoice.. The Gods dance.. This Earth becomes sanAtha.. no long orphaned

Their Vision?

They don’t judge people by jaati, kula, vidya, roopa, dhana..
They see oneness in all..
Because they have become It..


Final Advice

Don’t resort to vaadas and arguments..
As Diversity of opinion is bound to be there with beginner understanding..
Reflect on bhakti shastraas..And engage in acts as prescribed..

Never waste even half a moment waiting for a suitable time free of sukha-dukha-ichaa-labha

Practise and paalanam of Ahimsa satya sauchya daya astikya
At all times, with all emotions, contemplate only on the divine

And then very soon, It will manifest and make his presence felt.. sheegramena Avirbhavati AnubhAvayati

Of the 3 legs of truth, Bhakti and Bhakti alone in the Best (3-legs of time, 3 states of existence, 3 paths)

Though It is one, it can express in many ways — Asakti to listen, Asakti to see, to do pooja, to do naama smarana, vatsalyam, to be his daasa, sakhi, kaanta, self-surrender, absorption, or pangs of viraha

एकधा अपि एकादशधा भवति

And all the great bhaktaacharyas unanimously have declared the same in a fearless pitch — from sanat kumara, Vyasa, shuka, shandilya, garga, vishnu, mahabali, hanuman, vibhishina and many more

इत्येवं वदन्ति जनजल्पनिर्भयाः एकमताः
कौण्डिण्य-शेषोद्धवारुणि-बलि-हनुमद्-विभीषणादयो भक्त्याचार्याः ।

This blessed teaching.. he who practices becomes bhaktimaan, he obtains his ultimate desire preshtam, he obtains his ultimate desire preshtam..

य इदं नारदप्रोक्तं शिवानुशासनं विश्वसिति श्रद्धते स भक्तिमान्
भवति सः प्रेष्टं लभते …सः प्रेष्टं लभते ।

A few quotes that I reflected on, a few stories that I picked up from the talk..

From Tagore’s Gitanjali. May I not get overwhelmed…

This is my prayer to thee, my lord — strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.

Shankara defines upasana as taila dhAravat.. steady current of thoughts, like the steady flow of oil..

Kunti says.. May my love outpour like the Ganges. May I not get entangled with the attachment on the Pandavas and on my folks.

The Chinese proverb goes

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


A bhakta sees IT everywhere.. Like in this imagination of the Gopis.

The birds are chirping just like the rishis chanting..

The tender grass is waiting to give some rest to the feet, The clouds are teaming to block the heat of the Sun,

Yamuna is awaiting to wash his feet, Streams are waiting to quench his thirst. Everything. is Krishnamayam

Everything is Brahmamayam

And Narada suggests bhakti should be like you becomes restless without it. Like the Gopikas.. IT’s happiness is my happiness.

Krishna wanted to teach Uddava that there are greater devotees than him. He shows him the gopikas. On seeing their devotion, uddava says he wants to be born as a creeper or grass in Brindaavan. As it has been kissed by the feet of those devout gopikas. For whom devotion was greater than their social norms.

Another story.. Narada asks a gopika if she missing Bhagawaan. She says she is trying hard to forget him, and come back to reality of the world. And Narada prostrates to her. For great sages are trying to get a glimpse of it..


Another beautiful story..

A sage wanted to meditate one early morning. The frogs were non stop croaking outside, and disturbing his focus. Angered, he asked them to shut up.

Little later, his inner voice asks him. Did the frogs not have the right to meditate in the morning him? He is moved to tears and asks the frogs to go ahead with their croaking.

Like in the Ramadasa Kriti

Antha Ramamayam..
Universe is brimming with Rama Rama

And like Prahlada says..

One need not be a Brahmin, a God, a Scholar, a Job holder, or an accomplished person to seek the path of Devotion. It is simple.


The mother of Bhakti cleanses the heart, like a mother cow licks her calf.. Bhakti provides a safe haven, like a mother cat takes care of her little ones. And prepares for the landing in the lap of the Brahman and the ‘Aham Brahmasmi’


Do not seperate yourself from worldly activities till you reach THAT absolute state. The Ups and Downs will help in shaping you. The harsh acidic conditions in the jataragni Womb help in shaping the foetus and launching it to the world at the right time.. In a similar way, the harsh conditions of the world will help in shaping, evolving and launching you at the right time.

Stay grounded, and time will take care.

अथातो भक्तिं व्याख्यास्यामः । १ - १.०१
सा त्वस्मिन् परप्रेमरूपा । २ - १.०२
अमृतस्वरूपा च । ३ - १.०३
यल्लब्ध्वा पुमान् सिद्धो भवति अमृतो भवति तृप्तो भवति । ४ - १.०४
यत्प्राप्य न किञ्चिद् वाञ्छति न शोचति न द्वेष्टि न रमते नोत्साही भवति । ५ - १.०५
यज्ज्ञात्वा मत्तो भवति स्तब्धो भवति आत्मारामो भवति । ६ - १.०६
सा न कामयमाना निरोधरूपत्वात् । ७ - १.०७
निरोधस्तु लोकवेदव्यापारन्यासः । ८ - १.०८
तस्मिन्ननन्यता तद्विरोधिषूदासीनता च । ९ - १.०९
अन्याश्रयाणां त्यागोनन्यता । १० - १.१०
लोकवेदेषु तदनुकूलाचरणं तद्विरोधिषूदासीनता । ११ - १.११
भवतु निश्चयदार्ढ्यादूर्ध्वं शास्त्ररक्षणम् । १२ - १.१२
अन्यथा पातित्यशङ्कया । १३ - १.१३
लोकोऽपि तावदेव भोजनादि व्यापारस्त्वाशरीरधारणावधि । १४ - १.१४
तल्लक्षणानि वाच्यन्ते नानामतभेदात् । १५ - १.१५
पूजादिष्वनुराग इति पाराशर्यः । १६ - १.१६
कथादिष्विति गर्गः । १७ - १.१७
आत्मरत्यविरोधेनेति शाण्डिल्यः । १८ - १.१८
नारदस्तु तदर्पिताखिलाचारता तद्विस्मरणे परमव्याकुलतेति । १९ - १.१९
अस्त्येवमेवम् । २० - १.२०
यथा व्रजगोपिकानाम् । २१ - १.२१
तत्रापि न माहात्म्यज्ञानविस्मृत्यपवादः । २२ - १.२२
तद्विहीनं जाराणामिव । २३ - १.२३
नास्त्येव तस्मिन् तत्सुखसुखित्वम् । २४ - १.२४

सा तु कर्मज्ञानयोगेभ्योऽप्यधिकतरा । २५ - २.०१
फलरूपत्त्वात् । २६ - २.०२
ईश्वरस्याप्यभिमानद्वेषित्वात् दैन्यप्रियत्वात् च । २७ - २.०३
तस्याः ज्ञानमेव साधनमित्येके । २८ - २.०४
अन्योन्याश्रयत्वमित्यन्ये । २९ - २.०५
स्वयं फलरूपतेति ब्रह्मकुमारः । ३० - २.०६
राजगृहभोजनादिषु तथैव दृष्टत्वात् । ३१ - २.०७
न तेन राजा परितोषः क्षुच्छान्तिर्वा । ३२ - २.०८
तस्मात् सैव ग्राह्या मुमुक्षुभिः । ३३ - २.०९

तस्याः साधनानि गायन्त्याचार्याः । ३४ - ३.०१
तत्तु विषयत्यागात् सङ्गत्यागात् च । ३५ - ३.०२
अव्यावृत्तभजनात् । ३६ - ३.०३
लोकेऽपि भगवद्गुणश्रवणकीर्तनात् । ३७ - ३.०४
मुख्यतस्तु महत्कृपयैव भगवत्कृपालेशाद् वा । ३८ - ३.०५
महत्सङ्गस्तु दुर्लभोऽगम्योऽमोघश्च । ३९ - ३.०६
लभ्यतेऽपि तत्कृपयैव । ४० - ३.०७
तस्मिंस्तज्जने भेदाभावात् । ४१ - ३.०८
तदेव साध्यतां तदेव साध्यताम् । ४२ - ३.०९
दुस्सङ्गः सर्वथैव त्याज्यः । ४३ - ३.१०
कामक्रोधमोहस्मृतिभ्रंशबुद्धिनाशकारणत्वात् । ४४ - ३.११
तरङ्गायिता अपीमे सङ्गात् समुद्रायन्ते । ४५ - ३.१२
कस्तरति कस्तरति मायाम् यः सङ्गं त्यजति यो महानुभावं सेवते निर्ममो भवति । ४६ - ३.१३
यो विविक्तस्थानं सेवते यो लोकबन्धमुन्मूलयति निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवति योगक्षेमं त्यजति । ४७ - ३.१४
यः कर्मफलं त्यजति कर्माणि संन्यस्स्यति ततो निर्द्वन्द्वो भवति । ४८ - ३.१५
यो वेदानपि संन्यस्यति केवलमविच्छिन्नानुरागं लभते । ४९ - ३.१६
स तरति स तरति स लोकांस्तारयति । ५० - ३.१७

अनिर्वचनीयं प्रेमस्वरूपम् । ५१ - ४.०१
मूकास्वादनवत् । ५२ - ४.०२
प्रकाशते क्वापि पात्रे । ५३ - ४.०३
गुणरहितं कामनारहितं प्रतिक्षणवर्धमानं अविच्छिन्नं सूक्ष्मतरं अनुभवरूपम् । ५४ - ४.०४
तत्प्राप्य तदेवावलोकति तदेव श‍ृणोति तदेव भाषयति तदेव चिन्तयति । ५५ - ४.०५

गौणी त्रिधा गुणभेदाद् आर्तादिभेदाद् वा । ५६ - ४.०६
उत्तरस्मादुत्तरस्मात् पूर्व पूर्वा श्रेयाय भवति । ५७ - ४.०७
अन्य मात् सौलभं भक्तौ । ५८ - ४.०८
प्रमाणान्तरस्यानपेक्षत्वात् स्वयं प्रमाणत्वात् । ५९ - ४.०९
शान्तिरूपात् परमानन्दरूपाच्च । ६० - ४.१०
लोकहानौ चिन्ता न कार्या निवेदितात्मलोकवेदत्वात् । ६१ - ४.११
न तत्सिद्धौ लोकव्यवहारो हेयः किन्तु फलत्यागः तत्साधनं च । ६२ - ४.१२
स्त्रीधननास्तिकचरित्रं न श्रवणीयम् । ६३ - ४.१३
अभिमानदम्भादिकं त्याज्यम् । ६४ - ४.१४
तदर्पिताखिलाचारः सन् कामक्रोधाभिमानादिकं तस्मिन्नेव करणीयम् । ६५ - ४.१५
त्रिरूपभङ्गपूर्वकम् नित्यदास्यनित्यकान्ताभजनात्मकं प्रेम कार्यं प्रेमैव कार्यम् । ६६ - ४.१६

भक्ता एकान्तिनो मुख्याः । ६७ - ५.०१
कण्ठावरोधरोमञ्चाश्रुभिः परस्परं लपमानाः पावयन्ति कुलानि पृथिवीं च । ६८ - ५.०२
तीर्थीकुर्वन्ति तीर्थानि सुकर्मी कुर्वन्ति कर्माणि सच्छास्त्रीकुर्वन्ति शास्त्राणि । ६९ - ५.०३
तन्मयाः । ७० - ५.०४
मोदन्ते पितरो नृत्यन्ति देवताः सनाथा चेयं भूर्भवति । ७१ - ५.०५
नास्ति तेषु जातिविद्यारूपकुलधनक्रियादि भेदः । ७२ - ५.०६
यतस्तदीयाः । ७३ - ५.०७
वादो नावलम्ब्यः । ७४ - ५.०८
बाहुल्यावकाशत्वाद् अनियतत्त्वाच्च । ७५ - ५.०९
भक्तिशास्त्राणि मननीयानि तदुद्बोधकर्माणि करणीयानि । ७६ - ५.१९
सुखदुःखेच्छालाभादित्यक्ते काले प्रतीक्ष्यमाणे क्षणार्धमपि व्यर्थं न नेयम् । ७७ - ५.११
अहिंसासत्यशौचदयास्तिक्यादिचरित्राणि परिपालनीयानि । ७८ - ५.१२
सर्वदा सर्वभावेन निश्चिन्तैर्भगवानेव भजनीयः । ७९ - ५.१३
सङ्कीर्त्यमानः शीघ्रमेवाविर्भवत्यनुभावयति भक्तान् । ८० - ५.१४
त्रिसत्यस्य भक्तिरेव गरीयसी भक्तिरेव गरीयसी । ८१ - ५.१५
एकधा अपि एकादशधा भवति । ८२ - ५.१६
इत्येवं वदन्ति जनजल्पनिर्भयाः एकमताः
कौण्डिण्य-शेषोद्धवारुणि-बलि-हनुमद्-विभीषणादयो भक्त्याचार्याः । ८३ - ५.१७
य इदं नारदप्रोक्तं शिवानुशासनं विश्वसिति श्रद्धते स भक्तिमान्
भवति सः प्रेष्टं लभते सः प्रेष्टं लभते । ८४ - ५.१८



Sujatha Ratnala

I write.. I weave.. I walk.. कवयामि.. वयामि.. यामि.. Musings on Patterns, Science, Linguistics, Sanskrit et al..