(Do Not) Pardon Him

Myron Clifton
3 min readJun 10, 2023

The same energy that allowed the confederates to return and expand their racist power that to this day harms indigenous and Black folk. The call for pardons-coming from left and right.. white people and media rips off the facade of equal justice under the law.

We really need to self-interrogate why the calls for justice are so strong for say, Jussie Smollett or Will Smith but not for Donald Trump. Or killer Kyle Rittenhouse, Brock Turner, or <insert name of any of a number of killer cops>.

Let’s recall that Trump professed to love law and order, and called on the…



Myron Clifton

Indie published author, Voice Memos Podcast, Dear Dean EMagazine owner, Blogger at Medium. Myron Clifton on Spoutible. Check out my books at link below. 👨🏾‍💻