Re-brand Athens: The Athenshood Project

Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project
3 min readJun 22, 2016

After the experience of exploring international smart cities such as Melbourne, Barcelona, Berlin and Istanbul, which were a great inspiration, it’s was about time as members of Co-Creation City Branding Project to re-brand our city, Athens.

There is no better way to explore a city than to discover its neighborhoods. Every hidden story, every secret place every side of locals’ life could give you a great experience and a chance to meet the real city culture. And this exactly what Athenshood project created to do.

Athenshood is a web based platform, related to city fields such as public, tourism etc. Through this platform, citizens could contribute to their city by sharing data information and knowledge about neighborhoods. On the other hand tourists could have the opportunity to explore new places.

There are so many unknown neighborhoods and beautiful places in Athens but unfortunately the majority of people even the local tends to prefer the most popular places.

By Athenshood a citizen could share stories in a storytelling way for sightseeing such as museums, places for food, entertainment, shopping and must-see places such as landscapes and parks. This idea aims to highlight neighborhoods and unknown places that are worth visiting and make them point of interest both for locals and tourists.

Actions through the Athenshood platform

A special category named “Actions” will be hosted at the Athenshood platform. Users could share their ideas about smart projects in order to re-brand Athens. All the ideas will be available to all users for comments, changes, corrections etc. Actions examples:

Hi! I am Aristotle…

A smart mobile app enables visitors to explore data and information about monuments such as statues and historical streets, in an interactive way. Visitors could tap and zoom through maps into different neighborhoods or areas, click on monuments and street symbols and names to reveal details and select data. They could also email monuments for example Aristotele’s statue asking for more information. And the monument will respond: Hi! I’m Aristotele,…)

On your right side…

This idea could be adapted into buses. During the routes, short stories about special stations and monuments will be shown through monitors into buses. So as the tourists to be given the opportunity to learn important infos about special monuments, streets or station.

At last, the goal of all our ideas is to improve quality of life and city awareness by using technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. If we want to make Athens a brand, we have to explore all its hidden sides.

Myrsini Zarda

Team: Marianna Kontolatou , Venedictos Kontomichis , MariaTsivgeli

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