How To Deal With Cedar Season By Allergy Treatment In San Antonio?


It’s almost 2022, and according to Advanced Allergy, Asthma & Immunology that means a number of different things: the holiday season has arrived, friends and family are visiting, and you can spend the coming weeks trying to survive cedar fever. Last December, Austin recorded the second-highest cedar pollen count ever in the city, and a similar picture is developing this year. If you are unaffected by cedar pollen, consider yourself lucky. Symptoms range from a mild runny nose to a sore throat, along with facial discomfort and headaches. When this time of year arrives, there are a few things by allergy treatment San Antonio you can do to help get through cedar fever season:

Know Your Enemy: Mountain Cedar

Cedar allergies San Antonio is a seasonal allergy caused by an allergic reaction to pollen from ashen junipers (also known as mountain cedars), which are found in abundance in and around Austin. This pollen is particularly unpleasant compared to other allergens because the biochemical structure of the protein shell of cedar pollen is exceptionally harmful to the human body. The amount of pollen must also be taken into account. Some days the pollen count is so high that you can see clouds of the stuff billowing from the trees in the mountainous area. These trees produce large amounts of pollen from late December through February.

Although native to central Texas, mountain cedars were historically subdued by natural forest fires and wildlife grazing. Trees now grow thick in clumps, especially in the hills and in the green belt. You can consult an allergy doctor in San Antonio to learn more!

What Can You Do To Survive Cedar Fever Season?

Oddly, most people don’t feel the effects of cedar fever for the first few years living in the Austin area. Once you are impressed, you will do almost anything for some relief. For starters, check the allergy report before deciding what to do that day, especially if you will be out for a long period of time. If pollen counts are high (as is often enough between late December and mid-February), stick to indoor activities especially during the day. The less you can expose yourself to the allergen, the better for you. If you’re already feeling the effects, take a quick detour to your medicine cabinet. Allergy medications (including nasal sprays) from allergy treatment in San Antonio can help manage your symptoms.

If you need a little extra help, try using a neti pot to cleanse your sinuses at Advanced Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and take a shower before bed to prevent cedar pollen from transferring to your pillow. If nothing seems to get you through cedar fever season, make an appointment with your doctor to see what they recommend.

Make Your Home An Allergen-Free Oasis

As stated by allergy asthma immunology center, after a long day of sneezing and itchy eyes, you want your home to be a refuge from the pollen clouds rising from the trees in the hills. The first thing to do to make your home allergen-proof is to replace the air filters. Not only do you need to replace them when allergy season begins, you also need to keep changing them to make sure they do their job properly and that allergens, dust and mold don’t build up.

Make sure you shower after you get home to get rid of pollen and other allergens from your skin — eliminating the root cause of your allergies is always a good bet! Make sure you keep the doors and windows of your house closed, there is no point in removing all the pollen from yourself and letting in more! If suffering from allergies seems to be the norm for you, it’s time to look into a home air purifier. This system works in tandem with your air conditioner / oven to keep the air in your home clean and free of allergens. It’s a boon to many, especially those with chronic allergies or struggling to survive cedar fever season.

If you are interested in allergy treatment San Antonio, give us a call at Advanced Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.



Advanced Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Center

Advanced Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Center is one of the most trusted name in the US healthcare practice that understands the needs of the patients.