SaltCity Church
5 min readNov 24, 2023


Believe in GOD’s faithfulness

So many people have faith in other people’s faith but little faith in their own.

GOD the Father has no favorites. Every child of GOD has the same legal rights. It is not a lack of faith that keeps us from using the name of Jesus; it is the failure to use our rights and privileges.

Every one of those marvelous statements in the three Gospels where Jesus was challenging people’s faith in Himself was not a message to the church but to the Jews. They were an apostate, unbelieving people, but they also were a covenant people.

Jesus demanded that they believe in Him as their Messiah. Their healing depended on their faith in Him. When we turn to Paul’s epistles, we find no such demands of those who have put their faith in Christ.

Paul said that if the man outside of Christ wants to come into the family, he must believe that Jesus actually died according to Scripture and that GOD raised Him for his justification.

After one has confessed this belief and come into the family of believers, everything belongs to him. You can find no place in Paul’s epistles where he urged us to have faith. Why? Because all things are already ours.

At the bank, we need exercise no special faith to believe that money we have deposited is in our account. Everything Christ did is yours. All who believe can write a cheque on it.

[Jesus] his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (I Peter 2:24)

If you were healed by Jesus’ stripes, healing belongs to you as much as to the house for which you have the deed. You may not have taken advantage of your warranty deed and lived in your home; you may not have understood that it is

yours, but it requires no special faith on your part to take ownership of your house.

Your part is to thank the Father for it, and healing is yours.

My GOD shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

No special faith is required. You need only call the Father’s attention to your needs and then thank Him for meeting them.

For years now, I have exercised my rights as a member of GOD’s family, and He has met my needs from one day to the next. When He invites you to come boldly before the throne of grace, it is an invitation to come and make your requests known. Tell Him what is necessary. Sit there for a while in fellowship and express your love to Him.

Everyone who reads this message has the same prayer rights that the apostles Peter and Paul had. You have the same invitation to come boldly to the throne of grace. You have the same invitation to walk in fellowship with GOD. No distinction is made.

GOD is rich unto all who take His Son as their Savior. Take what belongs to you and know that “no word from GOD shall be void of power” (Luke 1:37 ASV).

How Faith Grows

In actual sense, Faith have no need for growth, it doesn’t necessarily grow, it is the Believer who grows and as he grows, his use of the same measure of faith grows so it looks like his faith has grown.

There is but one source of faith: the Word of GOD. As you read and pour over the Word, your spirit nature feeds upon the faithfulness of GOD, the Bread of Heaven. Your intellect may not be very fruitful, but your spirit will grow as you feed upon the Word, which is faith’s food.

The great men and women of faith have been men and women of the Bible. They have read it incessantly. They have read it continuously. They have read it over and over again.

George Müller read the Bible cover to cover twice every year. Parts of it he read every month. He was continuously rereading, meditating, and pouring over familiar passages until they became illuminated with new and unfamiliar revelation.

You grow in faith when you exercise it. Every time you take a step of faith, you grow in faith. Every time you trust GOD for an impossible thing, your faith grows.

In reality, faith deals only with impossibilities. Reason deals with possible things and shows you how to make things come about. But faith swings aside into GOD and grapples with the impossible, making it possible, making it reality.

GOD is a faith GOD, the GOD of all faith. Therefore, communion and fellowship with Him – intimate relationship with Him – will develop your faith life as nothing else will.

Faith men and women have always been meditators. They have meditated on GOD and in GOD. In the silence, alone with GOD, they have fathomed the unfathomable; they have reached the unreachable; they have lived among the miracles and wonders of the grace and faith of GOD.

They have stood beside GOD in their dream lives and seen Him speak a universe into empty space. They have walked with the Man of Galilee in His ministry among the sick and needy.

They have heard Him say, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39) to the sea, “Come out of him” (Luke 4:35) to the demon, and “According to your faith be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29) to the sick.

If you dwell on your doubts, you will act doubtfully. If you dwell on your faith, you will act faithfully. If you live in the subterranean caverns of unbelief, the gloom of doubt will hover over you.

If you live on the mountain peaks of faith, in the white light of GOD’s glory, your face will be radiant and your voice vibrant, and men and women who live in doubt’s dark, unlit street will gather about you for comfort and help and leadership.



SaltCity Church

Presenting GOD's Word with simplicity and power to give people experiential relationship with the Word; relevant for a victorious everyday-life.