SaltCity Church
4 min readNov 22, 2023



If there’s one truth you need to keep in mind, it is this: GOD is bigger than any disease – even cancer!

GOD answers prayer, first of all, because He loves us. However, He also does so to build our faith, as well as the faith of others who hear our miraculous reports.

Remember Jesus’ instructions: “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee” (Mark 5:19).

E W Kenton tells the story of a wonderful miracle that took place in the Australian;

“I had been invited to minister in the Aborigine village of Fitzroy Crossing by some missionaries there. People had traveled there from all around the


Each morning, we had unforgettable prayer meetings at 5:00 a.m. on the riverbank. Also in attendance was the local crocodile population!These services were like a page out of the book of Acts. Great numbers of people were saved, healed, and delivered from demons in the name of Jesus.

One precious Aborigine lady came forward in the prayer line, and the missionary interpreted that this woman had been given up to die with a cancerous breast, as well as another large tumor in her abdomen.

As I looked at this woman, compassion poured through me, and a verse came to my spirit: “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13).

I didn’t pray powerless words over her cancer. In Jesus’ name, I boldly commanded the cancers to die at their roots and declared that the woman was delivered and made whole!

A week later, I had gone on to minister in another village when the missionary from Fitzroy Crossing came with a glorious report. The woman had declared to the missionary, “That man’s prayer beat the cancer! Prayer is more powerful than cancer!””

These supernatural experiences of answered prayer bring people closer to GOD Himself. Simply stated, a miracle is the supernatural intervention of GOD.

A wonderful praise report inspires others to have faith in GOD, whether it is for salvation, healing, or any other need.

They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage. (Isaiah 41:6)

If you are stricken with cancer or any other disease, you may be wondering, Lord, where is my miracle? I can prescribe for you the most powerful therapeutic treatment available: the healing power of prayer.

Another miracle story that is a witness to GOD’s love for sick and suffering people occurred a years ago in our service during a prayer meeting;

A young woman who had not see her period for over year and had been spending her family resources on several doctors and medication came into our prayer and as I declared the word of GOD over every sickness particularly blood issues, her period began to flow and never stopped.


Guess what we experienced almost exactly the same miracles with another lady 2years later in this church SaltCity and GOD told me you have grace in this area.

You may also know the story of how my wife and I were married and for over 4years we didn’t have a child, by the recommendation of well meaning family and friends, we have seen several doctors and been suffered severe testing and given different medication.

Doctors have told us there was no way we were having our own children. It was a torment I must add; however one night, the word of the Lord was quicken in my heart and I called my wife in the middle of the night and I told her, let’s make our baby now.

And we traced our conception medically to that night! This is why we believe our children are the Word made flesh! The Word works…BELIEVE!

Don’t reports such as that one stir your heart? Even as I write this, I am aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. It never grows old to hear of GOD moving among His people.

It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22–23)

Truly, GOD is faithful to His Word and to you. He cares about the deepest challenges of your heart.

Today I write to challenge your faith to remember that whatever it is that ache you, GOD is bigger and at The Faith Convention, He will heal all!

Say I believe!



SaltCity Church

Presenting GOD's Word with simplicity and power to give people experiential relationship with the Word; relevant for a victorious everyday-life.