(LIFE - DISTRACTIONS = Amplified FOCUS) -> Success

Anirban Bhattacharjee
6 min readOct 25, 2017

Well, things always don’t go the way we expect them to be. There are times when we’re devastated mentally. And all these are primarily caused by huge expectancy levels without performing an adequate amount of feasibility study. Now this can be with respect to anything. Your job. Your love life. Your family. Your friends. Or literally any damn thing.

We’ve the habit of dreaming exponentially. For instance, it might happen that we’ve just got a call for an interview from some renowned firm and we have started making plans on how to spend the first salary from the company! No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but that is the fact. We see a card and our brains dream to build a house of cards! And we like dreaming exponentially. And for the fact that our brains like comfort and happiness, it might also happen that we’re having an off day we end up having an argument with some random stranger on the lift or on the parking lot. We somehow manage to put a few arguments for us. But later, whenever we ponder our brain into the matter, we win that argument for over at least a hundred times by thinking about it. We’re like had we said this, had we said that… That’s what our brain is accustomed to, winning. And since winning is comforting, our brain will spend all of its energy to even think that we won the situation. This is where all the chaos or a bunch of them rises up. Everytime we may not end up being successful in our deeds. According to wannabes, not being successful is termed as FAILURE. I’d like to phrase that as, yeah we do lose many a times but that’s not even remotely refer to as failure. I’ve encountered this a lot. My point being, we try to win on every goddamn aspect of life. Winning is what our brains enslave us to care for. Some people are strong enough to handle all of it well. But there are a few who can’t. I’m one among them. I confuse with the primary things with losses in secondary aspects. There is something which I am passionate about. But due to some other distracting incidents, I did lose a lot of focus from my passion. This had resulted in a feeling of being unworthy of anything shredded with a shield of intense pessimism. Of course, an argument can be raised that passion is not the predominantly important thing in one’s life. There are other things which matter too much, even more. That is cent percent true. I’m not denying at priorities. But passion is something that can bring bliss. There are certain things which are out of our control and we can’t do much about them other than HOPING. And I know HOPE is a good thing. But you can’t just leave your primary things in order to hope for the secondary ones.

Till now, if I have failed to convince on the importance of PASSION, let’s consider this scenario of YOURS. And with respect to the fourth dimension, i.e., time, let’s imagine there are three people on stage here.

The three variants of YOU

Person A is you 10 years back. Person B is the present day you. And Person C is you after 10 years. Okay, so Person A is pleased to see Person B that B has made it this far. All the efforts that A had put in college or school, B has been able to convert the most out of them. Most importantly, B has been great. Just that he’s losing a bit out of focus that’s why he’s still reading this article. Overall A is proud of you, B. You’re living it and you’ve crossed the hurdle of 10 years of life. That’s fascinating. Person A won’t regret that B has converted all the efforts of A, or are attempting to convert it to something bigger. Now coming to C. Currently C is a bit envious that B had got the platform from A. C is worried that due to the current distractions, B might not end up setting a great platform for C. And C would have to start off from a struggling position. But C is still Hopeful and C hopes that B accumulates enough valour to emerge strong. C wants to be proud of B. Just like B is proud of A. So, doesn’t B, which is the present day you, want to gift a healthy platform to C? So that C is capable to make it even bigger. And definitely, C wouldn’t even dare to speak a word against B. Don’t you want that, B? Obviously the answer is YES. So whenever, B is feeling a bit lost, having second thoughts about giving up on the PASSION, just think about C. Based on what A has offered to B, B has to step up to provide justice to A’s incredible efforts and also to give C elemental reasons to take pride in both A and B.

If the span of 10 years seem to be not feasible to imagine, break it down to 1 day. Take A as you in Yesterday, B as today’s you and C as You in tomorrow. And just ask yourself these questions. Are you doing proper work to make C proud of you? Do you consider your yesterday’s efforts (A’s efforts) worthy enough to take pride? If NO, then think and act that you don’t want C to consider you i.e. B in the same way. If YES, you know now that how it feels. So work hard so that C can have the same feeling for you what you’re having for A. And staying focused and determined is not big a deal. All you need is a worthy reason to keep distractions away. And that reason is YOU. It’s time we realize it.

Certain let downs do happen. And they are the primary sources of losing focus on something which you’re aiming at. But that doesn’t mean that one might held his hands up and invest his energy in regretting. These distractions are relative. They might not be related to something about your present difficulties. They might arise even due to your inability to find fruitfulness on something which you had put huge chunks of effort. Or even due to the lack of luck that no matter how hard you try, you don’t make it big. Basically, anything which is not interpreted as WIN by the brain is considered to be BAD and this where the curve of DEPRESSION and unwillingness start to expand. Every bit of these negative, agonizing aspects can be categorized under the term DISTRACTION. One can be mentored but in the end, it is you and yourself alongwith the past and future versions of you. Your past has, either in a good or bad manner, has put you into your present. And even if there’s one percent good thing happening to you in your present, that is solely due to the good work in the past. Those efforts deserve respect and deserve to be converted into something bigger and better. So that the future version of yours don’t even dare to even think anything but positive and inspirational and awesomeness about the current day you.

Just stop crying, moaning, groaning, bitching, procrastinating, blabbering, shouting, frustrating, critisizing, abusing about the hardships. Do it. Let whatever the outcomes be. At least start doing it. I didn’t achieve tremendous greatness by following this but one thing I can say is that with every day, I am proud of my version in the yesterday. I know that the results will come in someday, maybe in bulk. But the key is to stay focused in your PASSION and work hard and just have a little more faith in yourself for you’re exponentially more capable of what you think yourself to be!!



Anirban Bhattacharjee

I don’t know much about myself. And I like it that way. Coding, Cricket and Coffee thrills me and makes a good day better. Love to learn. Enough said :P