Algorithm — Two-pointer technique

2 min readSep 27, 2023


The two-pointer technique is a useful approach to solve various problems efficiently, especially when dealing with arrays or sequences. You should consider using the two-pointer technique in the following situations:

  1. Searching for Pairs or Subarrays
  • When you need to find pairs of elements with certain properties, such as pairs that sum to a target value or pairs with a specific difference, the two-pointer technique can be very effective.
  • Finding a pair of numbers in a sorted array that sums to a target value.

2. Checking for Palindrome

  • When you need to check if a sequence is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards), you can use two pointers starting from both ends of the sequence and move them toward each other while comparing elements.
  • Example: Checking if a string is a palindrome.

3. Removing Duplicates in Sorted Arrays

  • When you have a sorted array and want to remove duplicate elements in-place, you can use two pointers to track the unique elements.
  • Example: Removing duplicates from a sorted array.

4. Finding Triplets or Quadruplets

  • When you need to find triplets or quadruplets of elements with specific properties, you can use multiple pointers and combinations to explore different possibilities efficiently.
  • Example: Finding triplets in an array that sum to a target value.

5. Merging or Intersecting Arrays

  • When you have two sorted arrays and want to merge them or find their intersection, the two-pointer technique can be employed to compare and merge elements in a single pass.
  • Example: Merging two sorted arrays or finding the intersection of two sorted arrays.

6. Searching in a Sorted Matrix

  • When you have a 2D matrix with sorted rows and columns, you can use two pointers to navigate through the matrix efficiently while searching for a specific element.
  • Example: Searching for a target element in a sorted matrix.

7. Sliding Window Problems

  • When solving problems that involve finding a subarray of fixed or variable length with specific properties (e.g., maximum sum, minimum length, etc.), two pointers can help maintain the subarray efficiently as you slide the window.
  • Example: Finding the maximum sum of a subarray of a fixed size.

8. Partitioning and Sorting

  • When partitioning an array (e.g., QuickSort’s partition step) or sorting elements with specific conditions, the two-pointer technique can be used to rearrange elements efficiently.
  • Example: Implementing the partition step in QuickSort.

In summary, the two-pointer technique is most effective when dealing with problems that involve comparisons, searching for pairs or subsequences, or maintaining specific conditions in a sorted or partially ordered sequence. It can lead to more efficient solutions and often reduces the time complexity of your algorithms.

Thank you for reading , HAPPY CODING !!




Passionate Android developer with a deep interest in crafting elegant and efficient mobile applications.