Role and Functions of NGOs

3 min readJan 12, 2023


NGOs are non-governmental organization that operate independently of governmental oversight. They are nonprofit organisations that promote social welfare. They serve as a bridge between the government and the general public. These groups are typically filled with people who cannot perceive the suffering of others yet desire to improve the world for everyone. NGOs take up these concerns and deal with them with the highest attention when various issues cannot reach the Government in power or when some issues are disregarded by the Government. These organisations allow anyone to join and allow anyone to leave at any time. NGOs also have their own selection criteria and guidelines.

These bodies are also referred to as voluntary functioning bodies because of this. They are recognised based on the work they do and the level at which they function. Depending on their work, they are categorised as

Service-Oriented NGOs,
Charity Oriented NGOs,
Empowerment Oriented NGOs and

Participation Oriented NGOs.

NGOs’ roles and duties in the Indian context:

In order to advance and advance society, NGOs have brought about a variety of social reforms. These groups work to benefit humanity and other noble causes. Let’s talk about some of the key roles that the various NGOs have played:

Setu Foundation

1) Improving government performance: One of the key tasks of NGOs is to make sure that the government responds to citizen concerns and finds solutions, increasing its accountability. By supplying research teams, NGOs also contribute ideas and their knowledge in areas connected to government policy-making. The Environmental Protection Act of 1986 and the Right to Education Act of 2009 are only two of the nation’s ground-breaking laws.

2) Serving as a social mediator: Religion, superstitions, beliefs, and practises have a big impact on Indian society. NGOs serve as social mediators at various levels of society to bring about the necessary change in the behavioural and social attitudes that are prevalent there. They raise awareness among people and serve as the voice of the underprivileged and voiceless.

3) Promoting communication: To promote communication, NGOs operate on two different levels. One is at the top level, where NGOs advise the government about the requirements, skills, and pursuits of the local populace. As opposed to this, they operate at a lower level where individuals are informed and educated about the policies and initiatives of the Government.

4) Acting as a pressure group: They also work to mobilise opposition to various government policies and initiatives by acting as a pressure organisation. By holding the government responsible, they also enable the underprivileged, such as Farmers, STs, SCs, and others, to get decent services.

5) Fostering Community Engagement: NGOs support and facilitate the participation of underserved communities and aid in the preservation of varied populations’ cultural traditions.

6) Women’s Empowerment: It is unavoidable that NGOs play a part in the empowerment of women. They have been battling nonstop for issues including employment, reducing female foeticide, etc. in addition to social ills like Sati, dowry, cruelty, etc. The Setu foundation, Eklavya, Sewa, and other NGOs have all been working to promote gender equality as much as they can.

7) Utilizing Local Resources: Natural disasters and environmental risks are caused by overuse of natural resources. In order to prevent the depletion of natural resources, NGOs monitor this specific area.

8) Providing Education: Training, and Technical Support: Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) offer education, training, and technical assistance to volunteers, other NGOs, and those in need. Later, the skilled NGOs offer their assistance to the Government.

9) Closing the gap: NGOs reach out to the groups of individuals that government programmes frequently ignore. For instance, assistance was given to migrant workers during the Covid-19 crisis. In addition to this, NGOs are involved in projects related to research, education, healthcare, legal aid, gender concerns, and human and labour rights.




The Setu Foundation helps and empower the unserved by focusing on growth of children and youth, education of the girl.