What Should You Do with an Injured Tooth?

2 min readJul 27, 2016


Just like any trauma in the body, it is best to consult with a dentist immediately to find out if treatment is required. The same goes if you sustain any injury to the mouth particularly an injured tooth. The dentist will assess the injured area and may require dental x-rays.

In case you are in pain from a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth, then it is best to take any over-the-counter pain medication. If it is possible, keep the part of the broken off tooth, put it in a container with milk and take it with you to the dentist. The same goes with a tooth that is completely knocked out. This will be helpful if the dentists establish that it is possible to re-implant the tooth back to your gums.

If you have a small chipped tooth with no pain, then it is up to you when and how it should be addressed. It can be smoothened or cosmetically corrected based on the size of the chip. The dentist can also recommend crowns, fillings, and veneers. Feel free to ask your dentist to explain these options further so that you can make an informed decision. But if you have chipped artificial tooth or filling, then it should be replaced.

When you have a cracked or broken tooth, then you need to go to the doctor as soon as you can to prevent further damage. In some cases, tooth extraction or root canal therapy may be recommended. Take note that there are some cracks that are not visible to the eye, which is why you need dental x-rays. However, there are some cases, where the cracks are barely visible or not visible at all on dental x-rays and the symptoms may involve pain when chewing and tooth sensitivity over time.

When you have a knocked out tooth, then the goal is to get the tooth reattached to the socket immediately. With every minute that passes, more and more of the cells of the tooth will die. Rinse the water with water only and the re-implant the tooth on the socket immediately and go to the dentists as quickly as you can. It is important to pick the tooth by its crown and never allow it to dry. It is best to re-implant it within the first 30 minutes of injury but never let it go more than two hours.

In case you feel that you have a broken or sore jaw, never attempt to move it. It should be secured in its place using a bandage, necktie, hanky or any piece of cloth. Tie it around the jaw and around the head to minimize movement. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and immediately go to the emergency room.




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