Maintaining Your EQUILIBRIUM

John Walter Raney 1st
6 min readMar 13, 2023


I sometimes wake and find myself in an unbelievably focused and forward thinking and peaceful mood, and I can see the whole day laid out perfectly in front of me in my mind’s eye. When I am in this state, I sometimes take it for granted as the normal way I should always be feeling. But then something that would be rather insignificant or ordinary on any other day throws me off balance, and I lose my focus somewhat and the writing ideas that seemed so well defined just an hour earlier become somewhat less clear and I have a hard time regaining that laser like focus, I often keep a journal these days to see what triggers these different states of being almost overwhelmingly creative at times, to sitting here writing and having trouble coming up with the right flow of words and then my writing can become a chore and highly frustrating, which is something that may make anyone dislike the creative writing process and shut down their computer and turn to a task that is less cognitively challenging. And that is unacceptable to me, leaving a thought intensive process to do an easier task is a slippery slope, accepting the loss of focus or inability to regain your equilibrium and focus as the norm can lead you to constantly turn to those less challenging tasks and to use slightly offensive saying here, you end up dumbing it down all day in everything you do. But I’ve found its not about being intelligent or being lazy, it simply comes down to maintaining your equilibrium in your life, doing those things that put you in that focused, centered and peaceful creative state of mind.

So in order to regain and maintain my equilibrium and focus I began to take my own advice from my notes and watched interviews with several writers and other creative types and noticed that they all had a similar routine to maintain their focus and balance .

And across the board , people from various areas of life with varying talents and skillsets all had some type of routine that that helped them maintain their equilibriAnd I believe its the same for everybody, it is essential for our well-being and overall happiness. When we achieve equilibrium, we can balance the different aspects of our lives and maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Here are some tips I gleaned on how to create equilibrium in our lives on a daily basis.

Set boundaries, and let those around you know those boundaries, we must learn to set boundaries in our lives, whether it is with work, relationships, or other commitments. We need to learn to say no to things that do not serve us and prioritize our own needs and well-being, and that is not being selfish or self centered or anti social, believe me the people that know you and care for you will know the difference between you being in balance and being out of balance and will respect your decisions as something that allows you to be the person they know and love. If your out of balance and overextend yourself by saying yes to every little event that crosses your path by thinking your being polite or under the guise of being graciously social, that you don’t want to offend anyone so you self sacrifice your routine, you comprimise your feeling of health and well being to alter your schedule and you know your slowly getting out of balance. It’s not being rude or offensive to take care of yourself, no , and if those people truly care about you they’ll know when your centered you will always present your best self to anything you may be invited to. And of course if I forget to do my meditation and morning prayers an unbalanced day almost always will follow.

So that is the story of how I regained my equilibrium today, and how everything after that victory just fell into place. I hope that you too find that sweet spot, your balance and equilibrium, naturally flowing from you throughout this day.

Creating equilibrium in our lives is essential for our well-being and overall happiness. When we achieve equilibrium, we can balance the different aspects of our lives and maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Here are some tips on how to create equilibrium in our lives:

Prioritize self care , taking care of ourselves is essential to achieving equilibrium. We need to prioritize our physical and mental health by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest.

Set boundaries, and let those around you know those boundaries, we must learn to set boundaries in our lives, whether it is with work, relationships, or other commitments. We need to learn to say no to things that do not serve us and prioritize our own needs and well-being, and that is not being selfish or self centered or anti social, believe me the people that know you and care for you will know the difference between you being in balance and being out of balance and will respect your decisions as something that allows you to be the person they know and love. If your out of balance and overextend yourself by saying yes to every little event that crosses your path and are asked to go by thinking your being polite or being under the guise of being graciously social, those people will soon find out that out of balance.

Effective time management is crucial to creating equilibrium. We need to allocate our time wisely, ensuring that we give ourselves enough time for both work, rest, and leisure activities.

Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help us achieve equilibrium by bringing us into the present moment and reducing stress and anxiety. Mindfulness can be achieved through a combination of meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

Goal setting: Setting achievable goals can help us create equilibrium by giving us a sense of purpose and direction in our lives on a daily basis and in the long term too. We need to set goals that align with our values and prioritize them accordingly, so we are always one step ahead of them and not always trying to catch up to them.

Having a strong family and friends support system can help us achieve equilibrium by providing us with emotional support, encouragement, and motivation. We need to cultivate meaningful relationships with like minded people, people who share our values and interests, remember its not about the amount of people you socialize with, the people who are your friends , your close friends, should always be building you up as you would do for them, just a few friends that are happy when you acheive something great or small, and would never think of tearing you down, their is a bit of equilibrium in those friendships too, an ebb and flow that always keeps things in balance. This can be seen in some of the most successful people today and throughout history, they have a small group of like minded individuals that help them cultivate their ideas, and vice versa.

We can achieve this equilibrium by prioritizing all the above principles, self-care, setting boundaries, practicing effective time management, being mindful, setting short term and long term achievable goals, and cultivating social support from people who share our values and visions for the future. By implementing these strategies, we can create a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that brings us both joy and satisfaction and the ability to stay focused daily on the things that are important in our lives, including our creativity.

And as life is rarely a straight line no matter how much we would like it to be, it’s never just black and white but those pesky off balance grey areas exist among the best of us in our lives every day. So also learn to be flexible, and be ready to have a malleable plan to deal with the unexpected and keep yourself balanced, centered and focused. And I’m sure you have some of your own personal routines and ideas on how to keep your own equilibrium and balance in your everyday life. So here’s to maintaining our focus, balance and happiness, victories, both small and large and accomplishments and success not just on some days , but in all your days to come. Thank you for reading as always and I’ll meet you on that one true path to your best life ever, once again, happy hunting !!

I am a writer, investor, with a passion for life across many varied interests and life paths, subscribe here to my e mail list and thanks for reading as always, John Walter Raney 1st



John Walter Raney 1st

I am a writer, investor, with a passion for life across many varied interests and life paths,