Why I Love Logo Design

Phuoc Nguyen
3 min readNov 24, 2017


I have just finished a logo design project and I realized that the more I do the more I love my work, the more difficulties I meet the more energy I have to create a good logo. And the more important thing I realized is that there is a similarity between a LOGO & THE PATH TO SUCCESS OF A PERSON.

8 years ago, when I had my first time exposure to thing called Graphic Design, I were attracted by creative advertising posters, by colorful illustration images, by beautiful websites, by animation in flash files … and certainly by the CIP subject that teaches logo design.

Then I worked for a company and I were gone with the company’s tasks from designing websites to posters, icons, stickers, mobile apps, … Time goes by, I vaguely saw that my career did not develop at all, I just felt excited when I were assigned logo design task.

I kept doing my work as a Graphic Designer for a company with a chaotic thinking that Where would I go, Where is my career directions, Where is my path to reach success… And in that messy situation I figured out that my love for logo design is more than things else.

And one day, I were like awake when I realized one thing: “In order to be successful, you must be a logo” You must be really distinctive, must be different, must be yourself. You must remind people about something, you must represent for a particular value.

Graphic designer? There are hundreds, thousands people out there! How you can be outstanding from them? How people think about you when they need something relates to graphic design? The answer is you must choose a name for you or you must choose for you a particular path that is suitable and try your best to become excellent on that field, like people will think about logo and typeface when they see the name Paul Rand, or they will think about magazine when saying Alvin Lustig, or Chip Kidd will make you remember book cover design. And I want to be called Phuoc — Logo Design Expert.

So when you are confused about your career path, remember these things:

You must be yourself

You are yourself, don’t try to be someone else, be confident about your ability, do what you love and what is your strength. Be confident!

Be consistent and persevering on the path you chose

There is never a job that you started today and will be successful tomorrow. It will be an itinerary with lots of difficulties, challenges and inevitable failures, but the most important thing is you believe in your choice, believe in yourself, never give up, overcome obstacles step by step and keep moving after failed.

I want to impress the idea “You must be yourself”

Living in the world that is full of information like present, you are easily distracted by lots of choices, and easily gone with many trends and easily get lost in the vortex of life. To avoid this, you must be yourself. You must know who you are, choose your path and be confident to believe that you are good enough to be successful. When you were born, it was not by accident, it is a special gift. Every single person has a particular talent, that is why we have birthday, it’s a day reminds us that every person is a present, distinctive person, different from the rest and every one is also good at one thing. You just need to find out and develop it everyday, then SUCCESS will come one day definitely. Every person is a logo and you need to build your personal brand.

That’s why I love logo design!

