Predictions for 2024 by Celebrity Psychics

Mystic Flores
6 min readOct 21, 2023


By Mystic Flores — For more information check out my website:

The year 2024 is just around the corner, and many people are wondering what the future holds. Will the world be a better or worse place? Will we face more challenges or opportunities? Will we make contact with aliens or discover new planets? To find out, we asked some of the most famous psychics in the world to share their predictions for 2024. Here is what they told us:

Nikki — Psychic to the Stars

Nikki is a psychic who has been featured on many TV shows and magazines. She claims to have predicted many events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the passing of Queen Elizabeth, and the eruption of Mount Etna. Here are some of her predictions for 2024:

The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to cause problems, as the virus will mutate and spread to new regions.

The US presidential election will be very close and controversial, with protests and violence erupting after the results.

The climate crisis will worsen, with more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and flooding.

Artificial intelligence will become more powerful and surpass human intelligence, creating new technologies and challenges.

We will make contact with extraterrestrial life, which will be peaceful and cooperative.

Narayana Montufar — Astrologer

Narayana Montufar is an astrologer who writes for He analyzes the movements of the planets and stars to forecast the trends and events of the year. Here are some of his predictions for 2024:

The year 2024 will be a time of great change and upheaval, as the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) work together to create a new reality.

Technology and spirituality will assist this shift into a new paradigm that triumphs individuality and personal growth.

The US presidential election will be influenced by Jupiter and Uranus, which will bring surprises and innovations to the political scene.

The climate crisis will be addressed by Saturn in Pisces, which will demand more responsibility and compassion from humanity.

We will experience healing and transformation through four eclipses in Aries and Libra, which will challenge us to balance our relationships with ourselves and others.

Quantumrun — Future Timeline

Quantumrun is a website that explores the future trends and scenarios based on research and analysis. It covers various topics such as culture, technology, science, health, and business. Here are some of their predictions for 2024:

The world population will reach 8 billion people, with more than half living in urban areas.

The global economy will grow by 3.6%, with China leading the way as the largest economy in the world.

The first human mission to Mars will launch, led by SpaceX and NASA.

The first commercial quantum computer will be available, opening new possibilities for computing and encryption.

The first synthetic organ transplant will be performed, using bioengineered tissues and organs.

Sonia Choquette — Intuitive Guide

Sonia Choquette is an intuitive guide who has been helping people connect with their higher selves for over 40 years. She is the author of several best-selling books and the creator of online courses and workshops. She uses her intuition and psychic abilities to provide guidance and insight for her clients and followers. Here are some of her predictions for 2024:

The year 2024 will be a time of awakening and alignment, as more people will tune in to their intuition and follow their soul’s purpose1. This will create a positive ripple effect in the world, as people will be more authentic, compassionate, and creative.

The US presidential election will be influenced by the collective consciousness, which will seek a leader who can inspire and unite the people1. This will require a shift from fear-based politics to love-based politics.

The climate crisis will be addressed by the power of prayer, meditation, and intention. More people will realize that they can co-create their reality with the divine and use their spiritual gifts to heal the planet.

Artificial intelligence will be balanced by human intelligence, which will value intuition, emotion, and creativity over logic, data, and efficiency1. More people will learn to trust their inner guidance and use technology as a tool rather than a master.

We will discover more about extraterrestrial life by opening our hearts and minds to other dimensions of existence1. We will realize that we are not alone in the universe and that we have much to learn from other beings who have evolved beyond our current level of consciousness.

Theresa Reed — Tarot Reader

Theresa Reed is a tarot reader who has been reading cards for over 30 years. She is the author of several books and the host of the popular podcast Tarot Bytes. She uses the tarot to provide guidance and insight for her clients and followers. Here are some of her predictions for 2024:

The year 2024 will be a time of empowerment and liberation, as the tarot card of the year is The Emperor. This card represents authority, leadership, and structure. It also signifies taking charge of your life and making your own rules.

The US presidential election will be influenced by The Wheel of Fortune, which indicates a change of fortune and a twist of fate. This card suggests that there will be unexpected events and outcomes that will shake up the status quo.

The climate crisis will be addressed by The Star, which represents hope, healing, and renewal. This card indicates that there will be more awareness and action to protect the environment and restore balance to nature.

Artificial intelligence will be challenged by The Tower, which represents sudden change and disruption. This card warns that there will be a major breakthrough or breakdown in the field of AI that will have a significant impact on society.

We will make progress with extraterrestrial life by The World, which represents completion, integration, and expansion. This card suggests that we will reach a new level of understanding and communication with other beings in the universe.

Baba Vanga — the blind Bulgarian mystic

She allegedly predicted 9/11, the rise of ISIS, and the Brexit, has some chilling prophecies for the year 2024. According to her followers, Baba Vanga’s predictions are 85% accurate, and many of them have already come true in the past years. Here are some of the most shocking and disturbing predictions that she made for 2024:

A massive earthquake will hit California and Japan: Baba Vanga foresaw that two of the most populous and developed regions in the world will be devastated by a powerful earthquake that will cause massive damage and casualties. She also warned that the quake will trigger a huge tsunami that will sweep across the Pacific Ocean and affect other countries as well.

A new virus will emerge from Africa and spread across the world: Baba Vanga predicted that a deadly disease will originate from Africa and infect millions of people worldwide. She said that the virus will be resistant to any treatment and will cause severe symptoms such as fever, bleeding, and organ failure. She also said that the virus will be transmitted by mosquitoes and other insects.

A global war will break out between China and India: Baba Vanga foresaw that two of the most populous and powerful nations in the world will engage in a fierce conflict over their disputed borders and resources. She said that the war will escalate into a nuclear confrontation that will have devastating consequences for both countries and the rest of the world.

A meteorite will hit the Earth and cause a global catastrophe: Baba Vanga predicted that a large celestial object will crash into the Earth and create a huge explosion that will wipe out many cities and regions. She said that the impact will also trigger volcanic eruptions, landslides, and floods that will affect the climate and the environment for years to come.

Aliens will make contact with humans and reveal their secrets: Baba Vanga claimed that extraterrestrial beings will visit our planet and communicate with us. She said that they will come in peace and share their advanced knowledge and technology with us. She also said that they will reveal the true origin of life on Earth and the mysteries of the universe.

These are some of the most terrifying predictions that Baba Vanga made for 2024. Whether they will come true or not remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Baba Vanga was a remarkable woman who had a unique gift of foresight. Her legacy lives on through her followers who believe in her visions and hope for a better future.



Mystic Flores

Mystic is a spiritual writer who created his spiritual philosophy based on real experiences he had in his early 30’s.