The Emerging Spiritual Cult of 11:11 and Angel Numbers

By Mystic Flores

Mystic Flores
8 min readOct 21, 2023

Have you ever noticed how often and unexpectedly the numerals 11:11 show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations? What possible significance could the numbers 11.11 mean with regard to global consciousness, and most importantly what significance, if any, does the 11.11 vibration have in our daily lives?

You are not alone in wondering about this phenomenon. Many people around the world have reported seeing 11:11 on their clocks, phones, computers, receipts, license plates, and other places. Some believe that this is a sign from the angels or spirit guides who are trying to communicate with them. Others think that it is a synchronicity that indicates a meaningful coincidence or a manifestation of their thoughts. And some are simply curious about the meaning and origin of this mysterious number pattern.

The Origin of 11:11

The origin of 11:11 as a spiritual symbol is not clear, but some trace it back to the 1980s, when a woman named Solara claimed to receive a message from a higher dimension. She said that 11:11 was a code that activated the DNA of humanity and opened a portal to a new era of consciousness. She organized a global meditation on January 11, 1992, at 11:11 am, to synchronize with this cosmic event1.

Since then, many other spiritual teachers, authors, and numerologists have given their own interpretations of 11:11. Some say that it is an angel number, meaning that your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you or guide you on your life path. Others say that it is a sign of synchronicity, meaning that you are aligned with your true purpose or destiny. Still others say that it is a wake-up call, meaning that you need to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings and make positive changes in your life4.

The Role of the iPhone

Regardless of the origin and meaning of 11:11, one thing is certain: the iPhone has made it more visible and accessible to millions of people around the world. The iPhone is not only a device that tells time, but also a tool that connects us to information, entertainment, and social media. It is also a personal assistant that reminds us of our appointments, tasks, and goals. It is no wonder that many people check their iPhones frequently throughout the day.

The iPhone also has features that can enhance the experience of seeing 11:11. For example, you can set an alarm or a reminder for 11:11 every day, so that you don’t miss this special moment. You can also download apps that provide daily horoscopes, tarot readings, numerology reports, and other astrological insights based on your name and date of birth. You can also share your 11:11 sightings with your friends and followers on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

The iPhone has created a cult of angel numbers and 11:11 by making it easy and fun to notice, explore, and share this phenomenon. Whether you see it as a coincidence or a divine message, 11:11 can be a source of inspiration, motivation, and joy for many people who use their iPhones every day.

What is 11:11?

According to numerology, the study of the mystical significance of numbers, 11 is a master number that represents intuition, creativity, insight, and enlightenment. When two 11s are paired together as 11:11, the vibration is even more powerful and signifies a gateway or portal to higher realms of consciousness and reality.

Some people believe that seeing 11:11 is an awakening code that activates their DNA and opens their eyes to the true nature of their existence. They claim that 11:11 represents easy access to the higher realms of Spirit and that it brings a message and frequency from Spirit signifying that there is an open doorway to them through which they can access higher divine guidance, expanded consciousness, and incredible frequency, love, and healing1.

Others believe that seeing 11:11 is an auspicious sign and the numbers themselves have mystical powers. They say that 11:11 is a confirmation that they are on the right path and that their wishes are coming true. They also use 11:11 as a tool for manifestation, by making a wish or setting an intention when they see it.

What are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that are believed to be messages from the angels or spirit guides. They are usually in groups of three or four digits, such as 111, 222, 333, 444, etc. Each number has a specific meaning and vibration that corresponds to a certain aspect of life, such as love, career, health, spirituality, etc.

For example, according to some sources2, the meaning of 111 is to pay attention to your thoughts as an opportunity portal is opening up for you. The meaning of 222 is to trust that everything is working out for your highest good. The meaning of 333 is to embrace your true self and express your creativity. The meaning of 444 is to know that you are protected and guided by the angels.

People who believe in angel numbers believe that if they see these types of numbers everywhere, an angel or spirit guide is supposedly trying to help or bless them3. They interpret the numbers as signs of encouragement, guidance, validation, or warning. They also use the numbers as clues to understand their life purpose and soul mission.

Why are People Attracted to 11:11 and Angel Numbers?

There are many reasons why people are attracted to 11:11 and angel numbers. Some of them are:

  • They are looking for meaning and direction in their lives.
  • They are seeking spiritual growth and awakening.
  • They are experiencing changes and challenges in their lives.
  • They are curious about the mysteries of the universe.
  • They are fascinated by the power of numbers and symbols.
  • They are drawn by the beauty and harmony of numerical patterns.

Whatever the reason may be, people who see 11:11 and angel numbers often feel a sense of connection and resonance with something greater than themselves. They feel that they are part of a spiritual cult or movement that transcends time and space. They feel that they are not alone in their journey and that they have divine support and guidance.

How to Respond to 11:11 and Angel Numbers?

If you are one of those who see 11:11 and angel numbers frequently, you may wonder how to respond to them. Here are some suggestions:

  • Be aware and mindful of your surroundings and your inner state when you see them.
  • Acknowledge and thank the angels or spirit guides for their messages.
  • Ask for clarification or more information if you are unsure what they mean.
  • Follow your intuition and act on your guidance if it feels right for you.
  • Keep a journal or record of your sightings and experiences with them.

Share your stories and insights with others who are interested or open-minded. Research more about the meanings and origins of the numbers from various sources. Have fun and enjoy the magic and mystery of the numbers. Remember that seeing 11:11 and angel numbers is ultimately a personal experience that depends on your perspective and interpretation. You can choose to see them as meaningful or meaningless, as positive or negative, as spiritual or mundane. The choice is yours.

What is the Skeptic Perspective on 11:11 and Angel Numbers?

Not everyone is convinced by the spiritual or mystical explanations of 11:11 and angel numbers. Some people are skeptical and rational about these phenomena and offer alternative interpretations based on science, logic, or psychology.

Some of the common arguments that skeptics use to challenge the believers of 11:11 and angel numbers are:

They are products of confirmation bias and selective attention. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. Selective attention is the process of focusing on a particular object or event in the environment while ignoring others. Skeptics argue that people who believe in 11:11 and angel numbers are more likely to notice and remember these numbers when they see them, and ignore or forget other numbers that do not fit their beliefs. They also tend to attribute more meaning and significance to these numbers than they deserve, and overlook other factors or causes that may explain their situations.

They are results of coincidence and probability. Coincidence is the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by chance but seem to have some connection or meaning. Probability is the measure of how likely an event is to occur. Skeptics argue that seeing 11:11 and angel numbers is not a sign of anything special or supernatural, but simply a matter of chance and statistics. They point out that there are many possible combinations of numbers that can appear in various places and times, and that some of them are bound to repeat or match by random. They also calculate the odds of seeing certain numbers based on the frequency and distribution of their occurrence, and show that they are not as rare or remarkable as they seem.

They are manifestations of apophenia and pareidolia. Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or connections between unrelated things. Pareidolia is the tendency to see recognizable shapes or images in random or ambiguous stimuli. Skeptics argue that seeing 11:11 and angel numbers is a form of cognitive illusion or error, where people impose order and meaning on chaos and randomness. They claim that people who see 11:11 and angel numbers are projecting their own expectations, desires, or fears onto meaningless data or noise, and creating false associations or interpretations.

How to Evaluate 11:11 and Angel Numbers?

Whether you are a believer or a skeptic of 11:11 and angel numbers, it is important to be open-minded and critical when you encounter these phenomena. You should not blindly accept or reject any claim or explanation without examining the evidence and reasoning behind it.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself when you see 11:11 and angel numbers:

  • How often do I see these numbers? Is it more than I would expect by chance?
  • What are the sources of these numbers? Are they reliable or trustworthy?
  • What are the contexts or circumstances of these numbers? Are they relevant or meaningful to my situation?
  • What are the messages or meanings of these numbers? Are they clear or vague? Are they positive or negative? Are they consistent or contradictory?
  • What are the effects or consequences of these numbers? Do they influence my thoughts, feelings, actions, or outcomes? Do they help me or harm me?

By asking these questions, you can evaluate 11:11 and angel numbers more objectively and rationally, and decide for yourself whether they are worth your attention or not.



Mystic Flores

Mystic is a spiritual writer who created his spiritual philosophy based on real experiences he had in his early 30’s.