Aquarius December 2017 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2017

Aquarius December 2017 Horoscope

Aquarius December 2017: If you thought that the year would end as quietly as it was during November, you are mistaken. December is going to be a wild ride with conflicting influences, and lots of energies pushing you in many directions.

Let us begin, however, with a look back at the previous year. Every year you should make an inventory of how your life has progressed, and then make changes for the new year. Have you been pursuing your hopes and dreams, or putting them aside for other priorities? Are you growing spiritually, mentally, and emotionally? Are you making the world a better place every day?

How about those around you, are they positive influences? Are you making the world a better place each day? Are you taking care of yourself physically with proper diet and exercise. Take a long look at all of these things, and then, more importantly, think about all of the blessings in your life. Now you are ready for the new year.

We can start with the most positive of influences in December, and that is when Venus enter Sagittarius on December 1st, lasting through Christmas Day. This transit gets you out and about, with a great enhancement to your social life. Holiday parties are right up your alley at this time, and you want to party and mingle!

This Venus transit means some of the most romantic and creative times for you all year. It comes during the holiday and in direct contrast to a retrograde, so even though it is full of positive energies, make sure you are not making any serious plans during this time.

Aquarius December Horoscope — Mercury Retrograde

Now we have to get to the Mercury retrograde, the last one of the year. This will start on December 3rd and last until December 22nd. This retrograde has the potential to be particularly meddlesome, as it comes during what is generally the most stressful time of the year- the holidays. However, you can deal with anxiety and chaos with some simple planning and preparation.

To start, try to get all of your holiday planning and holiday shopping done before the retro starts on December 3rd. Get your shopping lists organized now, and consider online shopping which can be much more efficient and quick.

Early Shopping Ideas: Gift Ideas for Spiritual People | Lunar Princess’ Good Karma Gift Center

Next, you should strongly consider making for yourself 10–15 minutes each day of quiet contemplation. Find a place in your home where you can be alone each day. Here are a prayer and a meditation / mantra that you should say each day in December that will help you reboot your mind and refuel your soul:

Prayer for Inner Peace:

God, who is more than we can ever comprehend,
help us to seek you, and you alone.
Help us to stand before all that we could do
and seek what you would do, and do that.
Lift from us our need to achieve all that we can be
and instead, surrender to what you can be in us.
Give us ways to refrain from the busyness
that will put us on edge and off center, give us today your peace.

OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA (with Mala Beads)

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and it will bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and it will bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

During the holidays, with this retro at play, plans are surely going to be postponed or canceled You might be tempted to blame friends or family, but try to remember that we are all in this retro together. Charity and forgiveness are more important during the holidays and during a retro than ever.

Aquarius December Horoscope — Full Moon

Interestingly enough, there is also a full moon in Gemini on the first day of the Mercury retrograde. Romance and your artistic side are lit up, but with the retro involved and Neptune playing a part, be careful there isn’t some miscommunication that can muck things up.

Mars joins Jupiter in Scorpio on December 9th, and will be there until January 26th. You are full of ambition and energy, and your work and any projects you are working on will benefit.

Aquarius December Horoscope — New Moon

There is a new moon in Sagittarius on December 18th. There are new opportunities regarding friendships, and possibly a little trip somewhere new is in the works.

Saturn enters Capricorn on December 20th, and will be there for the next two and a half years. Your life really starts to become more structured, and you are driven to get your finances and home life very well organized. Others are going to find you particularly dependable and may rely on you more. Negative relationships at work and with friendships will start to be dropped, as you will find that they are not helping you grow as a person and in your career.

On December 22nd, Mercury turns direct and it is time to take a long, deep breath. The retro is over and it is time to enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Venus joins Saturn in Capricorn on Christmas Day, and positive relationships are strengthened.

Aquarius “Words of Wisdom” December, 2017

Silence can be used to nurture pouting, anger and hatred. However, far better uses for silence are reflecting, meditating, and listening. It is only when we are truly silent that we can hear His quiet voice speaking to our soul.

