Aries Horoscope — April, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017

Contemplate and Elevate

You have had time to reestablish and evaluate your deeply held beliefs since December of 2014, as Saturn has been in fire sign, Sagittarius. During this time you have been able to look in the mirror, so to speak, and have formed, or reformed the foundations of your belief system. However, this time is passing, and that introspective side now will allow you to live out those beliefs without all of the constant re-evaluation.

Saturn will be moving retrograde in Sagittarius between April 6th and August 25th, and this will be the last vestige of a time of enhanced and intense introspection. This is your time to examine your spirituality, your religious beliefs, and adjust your moral compass. The intense microscope won’t last long, and that is good… after this is complete you will be able to simply live with your structured belief system as your anchor.

Make sure to take note of this time as it is the best opportunity for new loves and new creative projects for the entire year.

This time of high self-awareness will last until December 20th, and from that date for the next two and a half years the concentration will be on your career. So you have a time now of setup for your immediate future. Start learning a new skill, educate yourself on a specific area of study, or start research on a new project. You can lay low in the weeds and fortify yourself with knowledge and skills that will commence at the end of the year.

Venus turns direct into Pisces on April 15th and this means a stabilizing with your love life. Between April 28th and June 6th, this part of your life will be particularly intensified, as Venus transits your sign. It is not just romantic endeavors, but any and all creative aspects of your life that will have a pronounced enhancement. Make sure to take note of this time as it is the best opportunity for new loves and new creative projects for the entire year.

On March 31st, Mercury entered Taurus in your financial area and turns retrograde on April 9th. This is simply a time where chaos has the upper hand. Be stable. Don’t enter into any new formal relationships that need to be well thought out, take unnecessary trips, or start new projects. Bear down and keep things simple during this time. Your home is your safe haven. It is the perfect spot for you to find peace and security.

Until the 21st there will be a contradictory element to your thought processes on financial and professional parts of your life. They are like two opposing voices in each year that are constantly saying opposite things. It is best just to let the time pass without making any important decisions. When Mars enters Gemini on April 21st, that will clear up considerably.

On April 11th, the full moon will be in Libra, and love and romance will be abundant. You have the power to attract people from all walks of life. This ability brings with it the necessity to exercise a certain amount of discrimination, as you are likely to draw toward you people who will either lean on you or distract you from your purpose. You want harmony, but be careful that you do not compromise too much of yourself in the process.

Also, on April 26th, a new moon in Taurus could mean a great opportunity for new money headed your way! Take time to build strong foundations. You may need to develop a more realistic perspective in order to make your dreams come true. You are an inspiration to others.

Dive Deeper Into Aries:

The Historical Side of Aries

Aries — Is This Me? — *Ask your social media friends if your sign matches your personality

Astrology and the Human Body

Horoscopes: Color and Fashion

