Aries Horoscope — February, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2017

An Exciting Time for Passion and Creativity!

In front of you is a month full of passion, romance, excitement and creativity. An important time is February 3 until March 9, where Venus joins Mars. This is a prominent time for love, pleasure, and new adventures. Everything about your romantic or even “sinful” aspects of your personality are heightened at this time, so take advantage and don’t let the opportunities pass you by.

Use this opportunity to envision new projects, evaluate what is on your table in your life and make pivots in your path for the rest of the year.

Since Venus is joined with you at this time, it is not just about the romantic / pleasurable, but also this extends to the creative. The creative part of your brain will not just be lit up in the romantic department but also in most creative endeavors. You will feel a surge in energy and drive. Adding a little twist to this is that Uranus is also going to be in your sign, and this will add a little chaos… just enough to keep things exciting and keep you on the edge of your seat. It is truly a time to embrace this window of exaggerated impulses and don’t miss the chance for a few indulgences. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about taking an oil painting class, for example. Why not look into those one-night painting classes, just for the fun of it.

From February 6 to June 9, Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra. This will cause a slight “sticking” of personal, friendship, and business relationships. This is not major, and will just cause you to have to be a little proactive in not letting little annoyances get in the way of quality relationships. In fact, this can be a plus as Jupiter’s retrograde will cause an increased introspection, and if you are aware of this, you can shine the light on how to improve these business, personal, and friendship type relationships. You will have an opportunity to achieve a dream. Go for it!

February 7 is a major day for you this month. Mercury will enter Aquarius. This means that you become enlightened with a new-found sense of ease with communication. Reach out to old friends, embrace public discussions, and use this time to network for work. Look into joining a new group. You will meet someone there who will become a loyal friend.

February 10 is a lunar eclipse in Leo, and this is going to bring about a surge in self-awareness and individuality. This is an important time to know how to toe the line between being self-aware and self-absorbed. As always, this is up to you to know that the eclipse is a gift for increased self-realization, not a time to be turning off your friends, lovers, and coworkers. Make sure you don’t focus on any negatives on this date.

February 25 to March 12 is a time when Mercury transits Pisces. This is a time where you will have more clarity about “the obvious” and what is right in front of you. This seems innocuous, but with our cluttered world full of social media, advertising, and so much nonsense, having a time of conscious clarity is a godsend. Use this opportunity to envision new projects, evaluate what is on your table in your life and make pivots in your path for the rest of the year. You will receive praise when you least expect it.

It’s time to get on a schedule. Stop jumping from one thing to another, it’s just making you feel confused. Get on the right track and choose to work in an area that you have a passion for. You will fulfill your heart’s desire and earn a lot of money when you follow what you really feel strongly about. Relationships with family will improve significantly and you will experience a strong sense of peace in your home life.

