Aries Monthly Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2017

Aries Monthly Horoscope — October 2017

Relationships and Partnerships

Starting back at the end of September, on the 29th, Mercury entered Libra, and this is in the area that affects your close partnerships with others. You will be heavily focused on all of life’s partnerships from the romantic to the professional. This is going to last until October 17th.

Jupiter will be in Libra during this time, and that means a strong expansion of both your romantic, friendship, and business partnerships. During this time you will be focusing on creating harmony between your professional, family and friends, feeling that you need to create more balance between your different sets of relationships.

This October: Communicate with the Spirit World on Halloween!

During this time, you will find that you are an excellent mediator of problems at work and at home. You can get into the middle of disagreements and will be an excellent arbiter of reason and logic.

When Mercury finishes this movement and then moves into Scorpio, there will be a major shift in your focus. You become a very pragmatic person, especially regarding money and finances that you are tied into with others. You begin to look closely at where your money is going and how it is being spent. Your savings becomes a major concern, and this is a great time to get a good grip on what you will earn, spend, and how you save money in the future.

Aries Monthly Horoscope 2017 — Full Moon

On October 5th there is a full moon in your sign, and this is going to be a prominent event for you this month. For the days leading up to it, the day of, and for days after, you will feel like you have a major boost in your productivity and motivation in all aspects of your life. You will take chances unlike you would on other days, and you feel that rush that renews your zest for life.

The full moon should affect your personal life, and you could find the courage to get off the fence about exploring some new relationships, either friendly or romantic.

Aries Monthly Horoscope — Jupiter Transit

On October 10th, Jupiter enters Scorpio, and it will be lasting until the middle of November — in 2018!

This long transit of Jupiter is going to bring about a profound expansion in several areas of your life. The first area affected is with partnerships again, and with money and assets and other resources that you share. Your partners could experience some wonderful windfalls and success, and you will benefit as well.

Shared finances with loved ones and professional partners should experience generally positive forecasts, with financial growth exceeding original expectations. All in all, it could be an excellent year for those around you that you have formal relationships with.

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