Be Your Best Friend

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2016

Be your best friend. If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively and challenge them to be more realistic, imagine that you are your own best friend. Think about all the negative things that you are thinking or saying to yourself. “I’m such a loser. I never get anything right. I might as well give up now.” If your best friend was saying these things about themselve, what would you say to them? How would you challenge their negativity and self-criticism? Now remind yourself to be your own best friend and challenge your own negative thinking the same way. (Taken from 100 Ways to Happiness — A guide for busy people.)

Being your own best friend can be a great way to work through feelings of insecurity and loneliness in your life. Get to know yourself better. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Cultivate a new hobby that you can enjoy doing alone. Learn a musical instrument, maybe a guitar, and sing along. Try writing, fishing or even meditation. Enjoy a relaxing massage. Buy yourself a gift, and don’t feel guilty about spending the money.

When we truly love ourselves, we will only allow people into our inner circle who care about us and promote our well being. We should try to be the best version that we can be. No one will ever know us as well as we know ourselves. Friends come and go. Life is a journey. We are all on our own spiritual paths in life and often they intersect with others, but people leave and take different routes. Trust in yourself that you are on the right path, and you will see good results. Relax and turn striving into thriving.

How we treat others reflects on how we feel about ourselves. People who love themselves will never judge, because a good friend does not judge. You don’t have to wait for someone else to treat you well. Love yourself and be happy in the moment. The more we look at ourselves with love, the more we practice love and acceptance of others.

Being your own best friend means being honest with yourself. So make good decisions, as you are in control of your life and you get to decide how things turn out. When you realize you are the one you’ve been waiting for, wonderful things happen.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha.

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