Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2016

Quartz crystals and stones are thought to be spiritual and possess healing properties. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt.

It is important for the Quartz Healing Crystals to be held in each hand with the points both facing towards and away from you, allowing energy to flow through you. When working with a set of healing crystals, you become a channel, a conduit for Divine Energy to flow in to and out of your physical body. If the points are both facing away or towards you it blocks the natural flow.

Spiritual connections between animals, minerals and plants are facilitated by the use of clear quartz stone which supports clear quartz meaning. Communications with The Divine and worldly healers, masters and teachers are greatly enhanced by clear quartz, in keeping with clear quartz meaning. Clear, open communication and the connection it fosters paves the way for spiritual harmony with heaven and Mother Earth, as implied in clear quartz meaning.

Different stones have different energetic properties. For example, a Tigers Eye can aid those seeking clarity, while Lapis Lazuli is said to expand our awareness and help us attune to our intuition. Rose Quartz is calming and sometimes referred to as the stone of gentle love.

The Amethyst crystal clusters emit beautiful energy into the room, so are powerful to place within the healing environment. Quartz is a stone that anyone can use, not just practitioners, and anyone can easily buy quite lovely crystal pieces at reasonable prices. A large number of different types of quartz crystals are currently available and these stones are one of the best ways that the average untrained person can easily perform self healing.

There are many different ways in which Crystals can be used.

  • Worn on the body
  • Pendants, Bracelets and Rings
  • Key rings or placed in pocket
  • Kept under a pillow
  • Used in the Bath
  • Meditation Practice
  • Placed around the Home or Workplace for space clearing and room cleansing
  • Counteracting Environmental Pollution
  • Used in Aura Cleansing
  • The Laying on of Stones on the body for Chakra Clearing

Check Here for Quartz Crystals and Jewelry Supplies

Pendants Made of Quartz Crystals

Quartz crystals attract life force from the unlimited source of life at the core of your being and brings it into the physical world. As this life force flows through you, it nourishes and balances your mind, emotions, and physical body and corrects color ray imbalances within them. Crystals have an energy that is held within them that builds up and expands out and are excellent to wear as a pendant. They make us feel safe, connected and protected when we wear them. Crystal pendants are amazing to wear because they are filled with light and beauty. Clear Quartz is called the “master crystal” because it promotes general well-being and pairs up nicely with other crystals, often amplifying their healing properties. Citrine is the stone of light and happiness, and a perfect stone to touch the skin. Try picking a special crystal that’s just for you, to feel and connect with daily, and see what transforms in your life. The energy of the Earth is filled with love; allow this energy to fill up your entire being.

Quartz Crystal Chakra Stones

Follow us at www.secretserendipity.com for more on Quartz Crystals.

