Leo January 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2017

Leo January 2018 Horoscope

Leo January 2018: January starts with a Super Full Moon in Cancer, and it will embody a completion of some sort with your personal life. This is the culmination of activity that has been building up, and the full moon is going to signal that the time is now to complete this journey and wrap it up for good.

This full moon will bring a sense of relief and accomplishment, and is a far cry from the start of 2017, when the year began with Mercury retrograde.

Before we start with the events of January, it is important to look back at the last calendar year and see how things have been going. How are your priorities, goals and dreams lining up?

Leo January 2018 Horoscope Meditation

What is extremely beneficial is using a meditation that we included below. Find a quiet space where you can be alone without interruptions. Say this several times until it burns into your mind. It should become second nature as the words flow over you. Take this renewing spirit to heart and be ready for 2018. Now you are prepared to enter the new year with a clean slate.

I am totally committed to realizing my goals this coming year and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make 2018 the best year yet! I can clearly see myself living my dream and can easily envision myself being happy and successful. I will dedicate at least ten minutes of every day to improve my health and fitness. I dedicate every evening of 2018 to showing gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life.

Every end becomes a new beginning. Take a moment to decide how you wish your new year to unfold. The beginning of a new year brings an open door for reinventing yourself. If we move with the events of life, holding onto our memories but letting go of the past, and plan for the future but meet openly whatever arises, we discover that our life is more vibrant and free than anything we imagined.

When we’re in a new situation, at the beginning of a new year, or in a new state of mind, it’s natural to make resolutions. But in those resolutions are we staying true to ourselves or trying to be someone different? When we embark upon a new year, a new beginning, we are calling upon ourselves to be the best we can be. Friendships can be very important to new beginnings. They may help us in our transition or they may help encourage us to awaken our dreams. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new and exciting direction.

Leo January 2018 Horoscope Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn on January 11th, and will be there until January 31st, when it will then move into Aquarius. Structure and setting goals will become very important and quite satisfying for you during this first transit. You will work very well with those around you, and you will have clarity of thought with any work or projects that you are working on. When Mercury moves into Aquarius, this will be expanded, and we will talk about that next month.

This transit of Mercury in Capricorn will also mean a strong possibility to enhance any romantic relationships or burgeoning love interests. Things may very easily go to the next step.

Leo January 2018 Horoscope New Moon

On January 16th, there is a new moon in Capricorn, and there are many possibilities that deal with your day to day routine. Is there a potential promotion around this day? That is a strong possibility. It also will shine the light on little changes that you might want to make to improve your daily life, such as with a better diet or a workout routine.

Venus transits Aquarius from January 17th to February 10th. This is squarely dealing with your relationships at work and at home. Business and romantic relationships will be strengthening, and that is for the good. If you don’t have either of these types of partnerships in your life, look out… they may be in the process of being created during this time.

Leo January 2018 Horoscope Mars in Sagittarius

Mars transits Sagittarius from January 26th to March 17. Here comes a very exciting time dealing with romance and creativity. You almost feel like there is an invisible force pushing you into romantic situations and you have uncontrollable needs to feed your creative side. You might as well satiate these desires, and enjoy the ride.

January 31st is a very interesting day for you. There is a lunar eclipse in your sign, and also Mercury enters Aquarius, joining Venus. The lunar eclipse is going to be the one to look out for, as it could shine the light on a very tricky personal situation. Be prepared for this, and be ready to act swiftly and wisely to drama that comes up on this day.

Leo January 2018 Horoscope “Words of Wisdom”

You can vitally influence your life from within by auto-suggestion. The first thing each morning, and the last thing each night, suggest to yourself specific ideas that you wish to embody in your character and personality. Address such suggestions to yourself, silently or aloud, until they are deeply impressed upon your mind.

