Pisces December 2017 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2017

Pisces December 2017 Horoscope

Pisces December 2017: The hectic month of December is in direct contrast to the quiet November, and before you start to consider the planetary influences that will make the end of the year eventful, it is important to go back and see how your life has progressed this past year.

Have you been working on your hopes and dreams or have you been letting them dwindle away while you have other priorities? Are you growing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Are you taking care of your physical well-being? How about your friends, are they all positive influences? Are you making the world a better place each day? Take a long look at the last year and then, more importantly, consider all of your many blessings and be thankful. Now you are ready to engage the new year.

The start of December is quite positive, with Venus entering Sagittarius on December 1st, lasting through December 25th. During this transit, projects that you are working on, and your work will be running much more smoothly. You find that collaboration is easier, and that people are more receptive to your ideas. December can be a very productive month if you don’t let stress get in the way.

Pisces December Horoscope — Mercury Retrograde

Now, the last retrograde of the year happens on December 3rd as Mercury turns retro in Sagittarius. This retro can be particularly troublesome as it happens during what is generally the most stressful time of the year — the holidays. But, with a little planning and preparation, you can get through it unscathed.

Before the retro, try to get all of your holiday planning and especially shopping out of the way. Gather your lists now, and consider online shopping as it is more efficient and quicker.

Early Shopping Ideas: Gift Ideas for Spiritual People | Lunar Princess’ Good Karma Gift Center

Next, you will need to embrace prayer and meditation as a way to reboot your mind and refuel your soul each day. Find a quiet place in your home where you can sit in quiet contemplation each day for 10–15 minutes. Here are a prayer and a meditation / mantra you should say each day in December:

Prayer for Inner Peace:

God, who is more than we can ever comprehend,
help us to seek you, and you alone.
Help us to stand before all that we could do
and seek what you would do, and do that.
Lift from us our need to achieve all that we can be
and instead, surrender to what you can be in us.
Give us ways to refrain from the busyness
that will put us on edge and off center, give us today your peace.

OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA (with Mala Beads)

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and it will bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and allow it to bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

The retro during the holidays means that plans are going to be postponed and canceled You will be tempted to blame family and friends, but do try to remember that we are all in this retro together. Forgiveness and charity are especially important during the holidays.

Pisces December Horoscope — Full Moon

There is actually a full moon in Gemini happening on the first day of the retro, on December 3rd. This will shine the light on some issue at home, but it is a positive if you can meet it head on.

Mars enters Scorpio from December 9th to January 26th, allowing you to excel at being organized and effective in tasks you undertake. You are quite simply reinvigorated in all aspects of your life, so take this time to get things done. Be willing to take advice. Be guided so you may skirt danger, free to develop your talent without risk.


Pisces December Horoscope — New Moon

There is a new moon in Sagittarius on December 18th. This is going to fall in the part of your chart dealing with your professional life. There will appear some new opportunities here if you are keeping your eyes and ears open. Again, this happens during a retro, so put off making any important decisions until after the 22nd.

Saturn moves into Capricorn on December 20th, and it will be there for two and a half years. This is a long period where you shore up your life, and you tend to be much more supportive to others. You will find much joy in being of service to both strangers and people close to you. Unhealthy relationships in work and in your personal life will fade away, as you learn to prioritize your life more responsibly.

On December 22nd the Mercury retrograde is over. Take some time to relax and reboot. Take loved ones out for a meal and just enjoy the little joys in your life. You are the one that holds friends and family together and that always comes up with a positive solution. You make any occasion special.

On Christmas Day Venus joins Saturn in Capricorn. You feel like burdens in your life are lifted and can see the wonder in the world like you did when you were a child.

Pisces “Words of Wisdom” December, 2017

Actions can change feelings. Motion can result in emotion. Love is established not so much by fervent promise as by often-repeated deeds.

