Sagittarius December 2017 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2017

Sagittarius December 2017 Horoscope

Sagittarius December 2017: The end of the year is approaching, and we have our last Mercury retrograde to deal with, but for you, Sagittarius, you have other, more potent forces working in your favor. A very quiet November may have implied that the end of the year would ease out like a lamb, but that is not the case! December is one of the most active times of the year.

Before we begin with the two major astrological events occurring in December, it is important at the end of the year to take a look back at the past year. Have you been moving forward with your hopes and dreams, or have you been allowing them to fall along the wayside? Are you improving mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Are you taking care of yourself with proper exercise and nutrition?

Each day are you making the world a better place? Are the people around you positive influences in your life? Take a long look at the past year, but most importantly, make a list in your mind of all of the blessing that you have. Now you can turn and look ahead and make a proper plan for the new year.

There is the final Mercury retrograde of the year happening in December, but let’s start with an even more powerful event for you, and that is Venus transits your sign from December 1st to December 25th. Quite simply, these are perhaps the most romantic and creative times of the year for you. You are busting with self-confidence and aching to embrace your artistic side.

This transit is especially strong for the first two days of the month and from December 23rd to Christmas Day. On these days, you not only have Venus lighting up your romantic and creative side, but you have no Mercury retro to dampen your spirits. Before and after the retro you will experience a particularly strong sense of tranquility and well being.

Sagittarius December Horoscope — Mercury Retrograde

Now, back to the last retrograde of the year which happens on December 3rd, until December 22nd. Because you have Venus in your sign during all of this retro, it is less dire than for other signs, but you still will need to prepare.

This retro has the potential to be quite chaotic, as it occurs during what is generally the most stressful time of the year, the holiday season. But with a little planning, you can withstand what it has in store. To begin with, try and get all of your holiday planning, especially the shopping, done before December 3rd. Try online shopping as it is much more efficient and quick, so get your shopping lists done soon.

Early Shopping Ideas: Gift Ideas for Spiritual People | Lunar Princess’ Good Karma Gift Center

Next, it is important to embrace or enhance your prayer / meditation during this time. Try to find a quiet place where you can sit in peace for 10–15 minutes each day. Here is a recommended prayer and meditation — mantra that you can say every day in December that will help you refuel your soul and reboot your mind:

Prayer for Inner Peace:

God, who is more than we can ever comprehend,
help us to seek you, and you alone.
Help us to stand before all that we could do
and seek what you would do, and do that.
Lift from us our need to achieve all that we can be
and instead, surrender to what you can be in us.
Give us ways to refrain from the busyness
that will put us on edge and off center, give us today your peace.

OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA (with Mala Beads)

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and it will bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

Use this mantra chant to rid yourself of negative energy and stress, and it will bring in thoughts of positivity and calm. “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” is a very powerful mantra that can be used to combat the mightiest of negative energies.

The holidays, coupled with this retro will surely bring plans to be postponed or canceled. You might instinctively think that family and friends are slighting you, but know that we are all in this retro together. During the holiday season it is especially important to show forgiveness and to have charity with our goodwill.

Sagittarius December Horoscope — Full Moon

There is also a full moon in Gemini on the very first day of the retrograde. This full moon will bring about a new opportunity in terms of a partnership, whether that is in your career, in your love life, or maybe just a new friend.

Mars transits Scorpio between December 9th and January 26th. This is a time of planning and creating structure for the coming year. Plan on making lists of priorities and goals, and start to research and prepare now for plans ahead.

Sagittarius December Horoscope — New Moon

On December 18 there is a new moon in your sign and you feel an explosion of energy and ambition. This happens just once a year and more than ever on this date you will be driven to make a list of all of your plans for the new year. You are overcome with optimism around this new moon, so embrace it.

Saturn enters Capricorn on December 20th and will be there for the next two and a half years. This will be a time in your life where you really get it together in terms of your finances and your career.

The retro is over on the 22nd, and a few days later on Christmas Day, Venus enters Capricorn. Romance and your career are both set upon the right path.

Sagittarius “Words of Wisdom” December, 2017

Just because a tale may have been repeated many times by so-called “reliable sources” does not necessarily make it true.

