Sagittarius Horoscope — April, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017

Roll With Punches

Saturn turns retro on the 6th, and stays that way through August 25th. You will be able to sort of put your life under the microscope and negative influences will become more clear. Take the time to reevaluate what relationships might be toxic, and make sure to prioritize the positive and let go of people and relationships that are causing pain. It will be more clear to you who is a nurturer, and making you a better person, and who is not.

On the 9th, Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus and back in Aries and then direct in Aries on May 3rd. Take caution and keep things simple. Chaos is lurking, and little disagreements and conflicts can turn ugly quickly. Don’t engage in any new formal relationships, and don’t start any new projects unless you need to.

Your romantic partner and you may begin discussing an advancing of your relationship, so embrace it if you feel this is the one.

This is a time to keep things moving along, and once May comes around, you will be much better suited to make the big decisions. Mercury is back into Aries on the 20th, and there may be an old lover or friend that comes back into your life that could lead to greater things.

A full moon on April 11th in Libra and you become the hub of activity with friends and even friends of friends. You are a social butterfly, and it starts even before the full moon. You will seem to be the leader of the pack at this time, even if you are traditionally more of the quiet one.

Old friends could appear, and your social media life could offer some interesting surprises. This is a time where your network of friends, and your work network could expand considerably. As a good collaborator, you seem to prefer to work in partnerships rather than alone or in seclusion. You have a growing need for more independence, group awareness, and progressive ideas.

Venus turns direct in Pisces on the 15th, and your family life really begins to run well. Projects, family relationships, renovations, etc., all seem to go better starting now, and it is important to nurture this element of your life.

Mars transits Gemini between April 21 and June 4th, and this is all about you and your partnerships in your life. Your romantic partner and you may begin discussing an advancing of your relationship, so embrace it if you feel this is the one.

Take a trip with your partner, and take time to continue to build upon the good things you have with that person. Your business partnerships could flourish… they will be receptive to your input and don’t miss the opportunity to share your ideas on how to grow the business. You are confident and thoughtful, and people will notice.

On the 26th there is a new moon in Taurus and this is going to bring some “newness” to work or a passion project. A promotion? A new work assignment you have been hoping to start? Or even just the overwhelming desire to start a new project you have been tinkering with.

Venus transits Aries between April 28th and June 6th, and this you can call your romantic/creative “bonus time”. Not every sign will experience a year of this enjoyment, so take full advantage. It’s a time to be optimistic and to take chances. You are happiest when you are being productive and expanding your knowledge.

Dive Deeper:

The Historical Side of Sagittarius

Sagittarius — Is This Me? — *Ask your social media friends if your sign matches your personality

Astrology and the Human Body

Horoscopes: Color and Fashion

