Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2017

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope

Scorpio January 2018: It’s a new calendar year, and this time it begins in a much better way than last year did. Last year started in a Mercury retrograde, and you started off by being on guard for the chaos that it can bring.

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope Super Full Moon

This time around, Scorpio, you start off the year in a glorious Super Full Moon. This moon for you is going to be a strong light shining on those aspects of your personality that deals with how you view the greater Universe outside of the “normal world.” Your spiritual and religious beliefs will be illuminated, and it will be a truly uplifting day that makes you contemplate the larger questions in life, and how do you fit into the Universe as a whole.

The full moon will be a perfect transition from 2017 to 2018, and now you can start to concentrate on the new year. However, it is important to take one last look at the previous year and to evaluate your priorities.

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope Meditation

We suggest the meditation below, and spend some time, when you know that you won’t be interrupted, to recite it out loud several times. Let the words roll off of your tongue, and contemplate the renewing theme. Keep doing this until it seeps into your subconscious. Now you are ready for the new year!

I am totally committed to realizing my goals this coming year and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make 2018 the best year yet! I can clearly see myself living my dream and can easily envision myself being happy and successful. I will dedicate at least ten minutes of every day to improve my health and fitness. I dedicate every evening of 2018 to showing gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life.

Every end becomes a new beginning. Take a moment to decide how you wish your new year to unfold. The beginning of a new year brings an open door for reinventing yourself. If we move with the events of life, holding onto our memories but letting go of the past, and plan for the future but meet openly whatever arises, we discover that our life is more vibrant and free than anything we imagined.

When we’re in a new situation, at the beginning of a new year, or in a new state of mind, it’s natural to make resolutions. But in those resolutions are we staying true to ourselves or trying to be someone different? When we embark upon a new year, a new beginning, we are calling upon ourselves to be the best we can be. Friendships can be very important to new beginnings. They may help us in our transition or they may help encourage us to awaken our dreams. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new and exciting direction.

Mercury moves through Capricorn from January 11th to January 31st. For this transit, your communication skills are excellent. You are thoughtful and considerate, and you are able to define your goals clearly so that others around you positively know your intentions.

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope New Moon

There is a new moon in Capricorn on January 16th, and with several other transits taking place, they all line up to make you the alpha dog on this day. You are in charge, so take advantage of this opportunity. You make definitive decisions on this new moon, and there are several opportunities for you that you might have missed if they didn’t fall on this “new moon” day.

Venus transits Aquarius from January 17th to February 10th. This transit will act as a catalyst to solve problems. At times, it can seem that you are being quite stern, but it is all for the greater good. This transit helps you solve problems so make good use of it.

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope Mars in Sagittarius

Mars enters Sagittarius on January 26th, and will be there through March 17th. This is a movement that will have you focused very strongly on your finances. You will be inclined to make bold moves with money, and the payoffs will be excellent.

On January 31st, Mercury enters Aquarius, and will be there through February 10th. More on this later, but for the start of this, do know that you are going to be full of ideas and brainstorming will be a daily activity.

The other event on January 31st is a lunar eclipse in Leo. For the most part, the drama that you will experience will be overblown. Issues that were already present will be shown to you, but do not get overly emotional about them. Deal with them logically and put them behind you and the eclipse will end up being a positive one.

Scorpio January 2018 Horoscope “Words of Wisdom”

We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.

