Virgo Horoscope — August, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

Virgo August 2017 Horoscope

A Surge of Power

Eclipses are the theme of August, and for you, Virgo, it is going to be a powerful astrological month. May was a tranquil month that allowed you to shake off the winter doldrums and ease into the busy summer months. June and July were full of activity. Now, August’s two eclipses are going to illuminate and energize several important aspects of your life.

Lunar Eclipses for Virgo August Horoscope

To begin the month, there is a Lunar Eclipse on August 7th in Aquarius. This is an important date, and you want to be prepared for how this eclipse is going to affect your mood before, during, and after the eclipse. When these eclipses occurred, even just 20 years or so ago, they weren’t as significant. But in today’s world of social media, everything gets blown out of proportion. For you, Virgo, the eclipse will alter your everyday life, at work or at home. Be prepared to have “raw” emotions, and don’t let any little slight bring forth negativity.

There will also be a Full Moon on August 7th . Native American tribes called the August Moon the “Sturgeon Moon” because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most really caught during this moon. The Full Moon is when the moon’s energy is at its peak. The day of the full moon brings vitality, good health and friendships. This moon is also called the Blueberry Moon, for the blueberry harvest, but in color, it appears reddish when reflecting through a molten haze during the early hours of the day.

The importance of following astrological events is to have a preparation for tendencies in our behavior and in our relationships with others. Knowing that you might be on edge around this eclipse is a great tool that will allow you to be extra kind and forgiving for any negativity directed your way.

Mercury Retrograde for Virgo August Horoscope

Mercury turns Retrograde on August 12th, right in your sign. This is going to last until September 5th, and is going to be time with potential for chaos. Before and after these dates are when you should be making important decisions about your relationships, work, and projects you are working on.

During this Retrograde you will want to focus on evaluating the important aspects of your life, whatever your priorities are such as your career and an important romance or friendships. Don’t rush to any judgments, but take the time to be introspective, knowing that your outlook could change dramatically once the retrograde is over.

Solar Eclipse for Virgo August Horoscope

On August 21st there is a Solar Eclipse in Leo that will be a very strong presence in your life. This is going to be a time that will present some very new opportunities for you. And with Mars close by, the energy focused toward you is very powerful. It might come completely out of the blue, so make sure you are looking for any new possibilities… possibly in your work, a community project, a relationship — whatever it is it is going to be a pure enjoyment for you.

On August 25th, Saturn turns Direct in Sagittarius, and after a period where you have felt that you have been stuck in the mud with your home or family life, things get moving again. You will be rejuvenated on a home project, or perhaps feel a new-found joy in dealing with family members.

Positive Turns for Virgo August 2017 Horoscope

Venus enters Leo on the 26th, and will be there until September 19th. This is a positive transit if you spend time in community projects, or help out with your Church, or similar organizations. You are energized to contribute. It is a time where you are going to be networking, and you will feel like a bit of a social butterfly. Embrace the joy you get in working and just being around others during this time.

Also, something might be brewing in your private life that others don’t know about. You find the mystery exciting, and are about to enter one of the most romantic times for you all year! Embrace your romantic sparkle but remember to keep a firm grip on reality.

Those born under the Virgo sign are remarkably constant and faithful. Friends and family are extremely important and can serve as a protective buffer between you and the harsher side of life. In relationships, it is good for you to get away from routine by taking a short break or a quick pleasure trip. Learn to enjoy life more, and then pass that gift on to others.

Dive Deeper:

Do you know your Chinese Astrology Sign? — Click Here and learn more about what sign you are and how it describes your personality

The Historical Side of Virgo

Virgo — Is This Me? — *Ask your social media friends if your sign matches your personality

Astrology and the Human Body

Horoscopes: Color and Fashion

All August 2017 Horoscopes:

