Living for unfinished Dreams, memories, and friends

2 min readOct 7, 2020


At the beginning of our publishing groups, The Caffeine DeniZens

I had asked Marie J. Ross, my best friend of many years in my adult life, what she would name a character in my novel I would one day write after, to be her in it, to live on. She had said Nephra, or Nefra. She is gone now, as of a few years ago. If I had a wish, I might have used to to start over, or to let her see my beautiful marriage ceremony with Nikki Anderson (formerly Quismondo). I believed we were able to do the engagement announcement to her in the hospice, if I remember. I had told her I loved her as a friend. She would have been so happy to see me and Nikki get all the knots worked out over the time we had such a passionate back and forth. She cared more than anyone about me, and I cared deeply about her, she was so nice and genuinely loving.

I think from time to time of the old memories, so that I can experience them again, but it just isn’t the same. One can’t bring back enough of a memory, or at least I haven’t had the mind to be able to, in order to feel the beauty of the moments we had.

I created a website for Marie J. Ross who passed away of breast cancer Feb. 20th 2014. I was married to Nikki on September 13th, 2014. Time flies. “Time counts and keeps counting.”

I have that unfinished dream. The dream I want to write that novel to immortalize our best in. To make my wife’s personality, my own feelings and personality and essence, and my best friend’s spirit, live onward and onward in eternity of memory and stories.

That is the thing that keeps us going… the stories that make meaning of life. The best story being the story of Christ’s life and resurrection, for that gives us hope for the future life that will keep us living onward … and onward.

I want each of you to know I love you and care for your well being deeply. God bless, whatever this pandemic becomes. And pray.


