Awakening Begins with Understanding


The World We Accept As it Is May Be Different

Mystic Heart
3 min readMar 25, 2024
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

They deny the facts we reported by saying:

“We will only die once and will not be resurrected. If what you say is true, bring back our ancestors.”

Duhan 35, 36

This means that what the prophet told them was about the resurrection in the world as well as about the afterlife after death, so they asked about the resurrection of their ancestors. The same question was also asked in the verses Casiye-24 and Ahqaf-17.

Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir
Excerpt from the book “Allah’ın Tek Dini İslam’a SON DAVET KUR’AN”

He is the One who both gives life and causes death. When He decrees an action or occurrence, He simply says to it,


It happens immediately.

Is the Creator at all like the one who does not create? Don’t you ever think?

Mu’min-68, Nahl-17

If we say that there cannot be any resurrection in the world, then I think we’ll contradict the verses above, and by saying so, we interfere with what God can do and what He cannot do.

I always say that God knows the best. Hence, we should consider this fact as well and not deny the concept of incarnation immediately.

And, if you ask the question of why we cannot remember our past lives, Ostad Elahi gives a clear explanation for this as follows:

“While the soul is in the body, it forgets its past lives, but as soon as it leaves the body (when it dies), it remembers all its past lives.

Just as a shock experienced in this worldly life can lead to memory loss, the soul’s coming to this world is a great shock that causes it to forget the memories of its past experiences.

The wisdom of this is to prevent the feelings and emotions in our current lives from being carried away by the currents of emotional events in previous lives.

Furthermore, remembering past lives could disrupt our efforts in our current life, halting our progress.

It is when we are truly free from attachments and not under the influence of our emotions or negative impulses that we remember everything.”

Ostad Elahi
Excerpt from the book “HAKİKAT SÖZLERİ”/”Traces of Truth”

I know that the knowledge you have just read above is hard to grasp or accept if you are encountering it for the first time. This is very normal. Therefore, I’m adding the following excerpt from a renowned psychologist in Türkiye, which describes what to do in this case.

First a doubt, then rejection and turning back, then deciding to tinker a little and starting to investigate with increasing interest are the typical developmental steps of awakening.

Awakening begins with understanding that the world we accept as it is may be different from what we think.

Doğan Cüceloğlu, Psychologist
Excerpt from the book “İçimizdeki Çocuk”

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With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻