Lens Protocol: Powering Up the Future of Decentralized Social Media

2 min readFeb 17, 2024


Lens Protocol, a groundbreaking project aimed at establishing a decentralized social internet, has recently completed its seed round, securing an impressive $15 million in funding. This achievement not only indicates the project’s increasing appeal but also highlights its potential to disrupt traditional social media platforms. With Lens Protocol’s vision of empowering users, safeguarding privacy, and promoting community-driven governance, it aims to revolutionize online connections and interactions.

Understanding Lens Protocol:

Lens Protocol serves as a decentralized social graph, allowing developers to create social dApps while ensuring content creators own their content and audience. Each user’s social profile is represented as a non-fungible token (NFT), encapsulating all their content. Additionally, users generate NFTs for every profile they follow, enhancing personalization.

Key Features and Functionality:

Lens Protocol offers decentralized identity and data ownership, empowering users to control their personal information without relying on centralized intermediaries. Community-driven governance enables users to participate in decision-making processes, promoting a democratic environment. Content creators can monetize their contributions directly through blockchain-based micropayments and DeFi mechanisms, eliminating intermediaries. Enhanced privacy and security measures prioritize user privacy and data protection.

The Significance of the Seed Round:

The successful seed round, raising $15 million, marks a significant milestone for Lens Protocol, enabling accelerated development and expansion. It reflects growing investor interest in decentralized social media platforms and the demand for user-centric alternatives.

The Future of Lens Protocol:

With its seed round success, Lens Protocol aims to become a leading player in decentralized social media. By prioritizing user ownership, privacy, and community governance, it envisions reshaping online connections and interactions.


Lens Protocol’s seed round funding signifies a milestone in decentralized social media’s advancement. At Percs, we support the vision of a decentralized social internet and are excited to collaborate with Lens builders and creators. Join us in shaping the future of decentralized social media with Lens Protocol. Connect with us now to be part of this movement.

