Rob Myers
1 min readApr 26, 2016


“Because of assholes who share your obsession with imagining other people’s genitals, your denigration of them as insane, and your enthusiastic desire to police their words and behaviors.”

Far From it.

It’s the fact that I’m not interested in policing anyone’s words or behaviors that you’ve seemingly taken issue. I said she could call herself whatever she wants. She just shouldn’t expect the world to conform to her desires to decide that she doesn’t have a gender, though she was most certainly born with one. She’d like her friends to accept her fantasy when she’s not around, and she worries about it. Sounds like a reasonable threshold for recommending professional help.

Couldn’t care less what’s in her pants, what she thinks is in her pants, or what bathroom she uses or whether or not she flosses regularly. None of my business. When someone decides to write to the world that they are concerned about pronouns to this level, they deserve to be told they might be delusional and that no one cares. If you care, fantastic. Don’t expect the world at large to censor their She/her speech when she’s stated “ My presentation is very feminine — I wear lots of makeup, have a lob cut, and don’t bind — so I understand why most people don’t even think to ask about my preferred pronouns.”



Rob Myers

Student Housing Pro. Lover of Pop Art, Pop Tarts, and Street Smarts. I like to write and build things in Excel. Anything: Sinek, Gladwell, Godin