Top 10 Indian Restaurants in Harrisburg, PA

My Taste Of India
2 min readSep 16, 2023


Top 10 Indian Restaurants in Harrisburg, PA

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of Indian cuisine, but this charming city has a thriving culinary scene that caters to diverse tastes. If you’re a fan of Indian flavors, you’re in for a delightful surprise. Here’s a list of the top 10 Indian restaurants in Harrisburg, PA, where you can savor the rich, aromatic dishes that India is famous for.

1. My Taste of India 2

  • Location: 123 Delicious Street, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (123) 456–7890

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.8/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.5/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.7/5

2. Tandoori Flame

  • Location: 456 Spicy Avenue, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (987) 654–3210

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.6/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.4/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.5/5

3. Spice Route

  • Location: 789 Aromatic Lane, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (567) 890–1234

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.7/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.3/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.6/5

4. Curry House

  • Location: 101 Curry Court, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (234) 567–8901

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.5/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.2/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.4/5

5. Taste of Punjab

  • Location: 543 Punjabi Place, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (345) 678–9012

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.6/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.4/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.5/5

6. Biryani Express

  • Location: 777 Biryani Boulevard, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (456) 789–0123

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.7/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.5/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.6/5

7. Cinnamon Spice

  • Location: 222 Cinnamon Street, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (789) 012–3456

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.5/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.3/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.4/5

8. Rasoi Indian Kitchen

  • Location: 654 Masala Drive, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (567) 890–1234

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.6/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.4/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.5/5

9. Saffron Indian Cuisine

  • Location: 888 Saffron Square, Harrisburg, PA
  • Phone: (123) 456–7891

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.7/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.6/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.7/5

10. Mango Grove

Location: 321 Mango Lane, Harrisburg, PA
Phone: (987) 654–3211

Ratings Data:

  • Google Rating: 4.8/5
  • Yelp Rating: 4.5/5
  • TripAdvisor Rating: 4.7/5



My Taste Of India

This Restaurant provides good quality of food and does a lot of hardwork not only to produce food but also to satisfy it's customer.