Understanding Technology Globalization

Afzal6 Ranjha
3 min readJul 27, 2021


With the globalization occurring all over the world it is important to look at the concept of technology globalization. What exactly is globalization? Globalization is basically an expansion of markets allowing goods and services to be easily traded throughout the world. Basically it is when one country can produce and sell products in another country at a better price than they could produce or sell those same products in their own country. In the beginning most globalization was a reaction to the gaps that were being left in international trade.

For example a company in Japan could produce automobiles and ship them to the United States, where they would be sold for a higher price. However with the ability to travel internationally using the internet companies can reach consumers from across the globe. This opens up the market for companies to compete in international markets and grow. Competitors need to be careful how they do this since the international market is much larger than the domestic market.

There are many different types of globalization. One of these is information technology globalization. This occurs when companies have access to information throughout the world. Consumers can search and purchase products from companies all over the world. This has allowed consumers to gain access to more products and services and businesses can offer better services because they can reach a global audience.

Another form of globalization occurs through the exchange of financial information between companies. Financial globalization has been happening for decades, but it really became a big deal in the 2021 financial crisis. When the two economies finally settled their differences, things became easier for international companies to do business internationally. This allowed companies to expand into markets that they would not have previously considered.

Another form of globalization is found in outsourcing. Outsourcing occurs when an organization uses outside contractors to perform work that is difficult to do within the company. This can be used to hire IT professionals from another country to help with specific projects. Outsourcing has been beneficial for both the company and the contractor as the company does not need to pay the extra money that is required in taxes to have employees in a foreign country.

Technology globalization is also occurring on a smaller scale. Companies are starting to use technology to create websites for international markets. For example, instead of creating a website that only has English instructions it is created in Spanish, German, French, and even Chinese. This allows an organization to cater to a larger segment of the global population.

The globalization of technology has allowed companies to tap into markets that would not have been accessible without technology. A company that creates a website for a particular region can increase its revenue by selling a translated version of the site to users of other regions. This has made communication a key factor in reaching global markets. Companies have also begun to utilize translation services to help with business transactions and provide customers with the ability to understand the language of the company. This increases customer satisfaction as well as reducing the amount of time spent on translating documents.

In order to be successful in the international market, a company must be aware of all of the factors that are contributing to the popularity of a service or product. Many businesses are not willing to take the time to learn about new markets because they do not fit their business model. It is important to be willing to learn about new ways to market products or services internationally. It may be that there are more markets available than a company thought of. By taking advantage of new opportunities and developing a strong reputation for quality for a company will be able to successfully penetrate the international market and grow their business successfully.

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