Medical Technology Evolution

Afzal Ranjha07
3 min readJul 31, 2021


Medical technology is constantly evolving. As new medical technologies are developed, old medical technologies are updated or modified to accommodate the new needs of patients and health care providers. This constant innovation is one of the reasons why medicine has become so diversified. It is also a reason why medicine has come to be a dynamic discipline that constantly changes and adapts to meet the needs of patients.

In order to understand the medical technology evolution process, it helps to consider how this all happens. One of the first medical technologies to be developed was radiology. This technology revolutionized the field of medicine when it was introduced in the late nineteenth century. Radiography is an advanced form of x-ray imaging that is used in the field of medical imaging. The development of this technology ultimately led to the creation of the x-ray machine and its use in most medical facilities.

Another medical technology evolution that took place in the past century was the introduction of the electric shaver. One of the main concerns about using electric shavers was that they could cut the skin on contact. To address this issue, an electric shaver was designed that had the same cutting power as the previously mentioned radiology machines but it did not cut the skin. With the development of this medical technology, medical professionals found that they could now use these machines to shave unwanted hair off patients’ legs or arms without causing any damage to the skin. Because of this evolution, electric shavers became more popular throughout the twentieth century. With improvements in technology, similar devices are now available for teeth, gums, lips, and eyebrows.

Biomedical engineers are currently working on medical technology evolution that will allow the creation of artificial kidneys. This emerging medical technology offers hope to people who suffer from kidney disease and need a living kidney. Although scientists have not yet come up with a solution for this particular medical challenge, it is still an exciting prospect. Without a synthetic kidney, a person would have to wait until their body gave up producing one for transplant, which could take several years.

Another technology evolution involves the development of a machine that can help people with Alzheimer’s Disease control brain activity. This technology is being tested in clinical trials at the Center for Alzheimer’s Research in University of California, Los Angeles. Although this is still in the research stage, if it proves to be effective, it could save the lives of thousands of people with Alzheimer’s each year.

In 1998, a major breakthrough in technology occurred when the Internal Revenue Service approved the Taxforex. This is one of the largest computerized trading platforms ever created. Instead of trading using real money, traders can now use a virtual account to do their day to day transactions. Traders also use the software to make decisions about buying and selling currencies. Many people have been able to make substantial profits using this system.

Today, an increasing number of medical professionals are using the Internet to conduct their research and to gather information. It has become much easier for them to communicate with colleagues in other institutions. Much of the technology is also being used to develop new medical treatments. One example is a new technique for treating cerebral palsy. The treatment uses a computer generated image to show brain activity in patients with cerebral palsy. Researchers hope that the technique will allow them to better treat this debilitating disease.

As you can see, the medical industry has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. One trend that has not changed is the desire for more personalized care. Innovations in medical technology have allowed for more personalized care in the form of medical devices. Personalized technology will likely play a large role in the trends that we observe in the future.

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