How to: Lucid dreaming

3 min readJan 25, 2023

explore your dreams by yourself

Lucid dreaming is a state in which a person becomes aware that they are dreaming while still in the dream state. This allows the dreamer to have control over their actions and the events in the dream, and to explore their own subconscious mind. Lucid dreaming is a fascinating and powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery, but it can also be challenging to achieve. In this article, we will explore the science behind lucid dreaming and discuss some techniques that can help you to achieve it.

The first step to achieving lucid dreaming is to understand the sleep cycle. The sleep cycle is divided into two main stages: non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and REM. Non-REM sleep is characterized by slow brain waves and muscle relaxation, while REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye movement, increased brain activity, and vivid dreaming. Lucid dreaming typically occurs during REM sleep, which is why it is important to focus on achieving REM sleep in order to achieve lucid dreaming.

One of the most effective techniques for achieving lucid dreaming is called the “reality check.” This technique involves performing a specific action or asking yourself a question before going to bed that you will repeat throughout the day to help you become more aware of your surroundings. For example, you may try pinching yourself or looking at…

