Unveiling the holiness: A Deep Dive into Monk Outfits

2 min readFeb 2, 2024


Christian monks, belonging to various religious orders, wear distinctive habits that reflect their traditions and vows. Here is an overview of a typical Christian monk outfit, with a focus on the habits worn by monks in different orders:

1. Tunic:

The basic Christian monk robes is the tunic, a long, loose-fitting robe. The colour of the tunic can vary based on the specific order. For example, Benedictine monk costumes were mainly black or dark brown tunics.

2. Scapular:

The scapular is a rectangular piece of cloth worn over the tunic, hanging down both the front and the back. It symbolizes the yoke of Christ and the monastic vows. The colour and design of the scapular can differ between orders.

3. Hood:

Some monastic habits include a hood attached to the tunic or scapular. The hood can be worn up or down and serves practical purposes, providing warmth and protection from the elements.

4. Cincture:

A cord or belt, called a cincture, is worn around the waist. The colour and material of the cincture can vary and may have symbolic significance within the order.

5. Additional Elements:

Depending on the order, there may be additional elements to the habit, such as a distinctive capuce (a hood that covers the shoulders) or a distinctive shape or design on the scapular.

Examples of Christian Monk Outfits by Order:

Benedictine Monks:

Benedictines traditionally wear a black habit. The scapular is often rounded at the bottom, and the cincture may be a simple rope or leather belt.

Franciscan Friars:

Franciscans, founded by St. Francis of Assisi, typically wear a brown habit tied with a cord. The hood may be worn down, and sandals are often part of the attire.

Dominican Friars:

Dominicans wear a white tunic with a black scapular and cincture. The distinctive white and black colours represent the order’s commitment to purity and truth.

Cistercian Monks:

Cistercians, an order stemming from the Benedictines, often wear a white habit with a black scapular and hood. The emphasis is on simplicity and purity.


Purity and Simplicity:

The colours and design of the habit symbolize the monk’s commitment to a life of purity, simplicity, and devotion to God.

Vows and Dedication:

Each element of the habit holds symbolic significance related to the monastic vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Modern Interpretations:

Casual Attire:

Some modern Christian monks may wear modified or simplified versions of their traditional habits for daily activities, especially in casual or non-religious settings.

Religious Events:

During religious ceremonies, Christian monks often wear their full traditional habits, preserving the symbolic and sacred nature of their attire.

