A Bit of News

Alan Kellogg
1 min readOct 12, 2016


Things are looking up. I’ve found a few plugins to help with this site, and I’m looking forward to some good news from my housing navigator. Once I have an apartment it should be easier to get a new phone.

I’ve also found a few plugins I may be able to use with my other sites, but first I need to audition them at my audition site.

In local weather, we may be seeing the start of true Autumn here, and not just calendar Autumn. A calendar season being when it’s supposed to be that season, the true season being when it actually is that season. An example being December, when by the calendar it is still Autumn, but the true season is Winter. But enough of that.

Now I have an article to read and note to take in preparation to do an analysis of same.

Originally published at Mythusmage Today.

