A Virus Assails

Alan Kellogg
1 min readNov 26, 2016


I’m waiting on an apartment. As I wait I’m sleeping among about some 250 men, a small few of which have no idea some of their neighbors would like to sleep. This means stress, and stress screws with productivity.

To top it all, I’ve got a cold. That means I have no real energy and I can’t focus. But I do have an observation.

My observation is this. That if all the people who said that they would flee to Canada should Trump be elected President actually did, our population would suffer a serious population decline. To sum up, we wouldn’t have enough people to keep things running. We would need more people, more immigrants. I expect that in the coming days we’re going to see immigration quotas expand, and our border are going to open up.

That’s my prognosis.

Originally published at Mythusmage Today.

