And Then Today…

Alan Kellogg
1 min readNov 16, 2016


I had a meltdown. Ask someone autistic or a psychiatrist about meltdowns, they’re nasty. You are either made immobile not daring to do a thing, or you lash out and thrash about. Fortunately I’m well into the process of recovery.

What causes a meltdown?

Stress, and it really doesn’t have to be all that much stress. All you really need is enough stress to overwhelm you, and if you have autism it really doesn’t have to be all that much stress at all. And you want to know the worst thing? Even you, Mr. Calm and Collected, can have a meltdown should events just overwhelm you.

I got overwhelmed. I had a meltdown. I closed my eyes and took a nap. When I woke up again I was feeling better and now able to prepare for the day. This afternoon I go and see my doctor, and later this week I get to make up for the chore I missed.

That’s my day so far, how is yours going?

Originally published at Mythusmage Today.

