Buy RENAULT Tyres Online: Some issues that may require changing of the existing tyres

My Tyre Point
2 min readAug 20, 2018


No more are cars considered to be an item of luxury these days. Rather, with their prices dropping down and banks offering easy car loans for purchasing new and second hand ones, the number of cars have dramatically increased over time, all over the country.

But there is a genuine need to protect the investment by providing it regular checkup and maintenance. Only then will the car run smoothly and without facing any issues.

Changing tyres

Similar to other parts and accessories in the car, the tyres also do play an important role, as a matter of fact, without using them, it will be practically impossible to run the vehicle on any type of road. Moreover, it is also a legal requirement to have good ones fitted on the vehicle at all times, when out on the road.

But there are times, when the existing ones may face wear & tear, damages and other issues, which may cause them to become beyond repair. In such a case, it will be wise to Buy RENAULT Tyres Online. New ones are always suggested for the purchase and use as they will be thoroughly quality tested by the manufacturers and are certified to be functional and safe to be used on the roads.

Problems in tyres

There may arise issues with these accessories like dry rot and micro cuts, besides pressure loss. Such damages are generally caused due to ageing and improper storage. Hence, these crucial accessories of the vehicle are better replaced after every 5–6 years, as recommended by the manufacturers.

In case, they are found to be excessively worn, then replacement should be immediate. Neglecting or avoiding the same will only lead to further problems and even unfortunate, unavoidable accidents.

Besides this, replacement will be essential after driving for over 5 years although tread depth is found to be more than 1.6 mm. If cracks are identified, then all the four needs to be replaced immediately and simultaneously.

Again, if there is visible rubber loss and detached tread, then imminent change will be necessary. This way, unnecessary risks can be avoided. Buy Renault Duster Tyre to enjoy wonderful driving sessions on all road conditions.

Conclusion: There may arise issues pertaining to the tyres that need to be understood clearly. When necessary, they are to be replaced with branded ones to enjoy smooth driving.

