My Universe Gaming, NFT & Token Project!

5 min readNov 18, 2021



My Universe is a project aims to launch its native game and financial system related to metaverse technology and make it a real metaverse reinforced web 3.0 project.


The beauty of the internet, and what I truly believe is the most powerful thing about it, is the access to view so many different ways of being. Marginalized people from different walks of life and experiences, can create content and tell their own stories without being filtered or swayed by traditional media companies. The internet doesn’t just have ONE kind of story or way of being online creators have full control of what they put out there and how they want to be represented. Your perspective, who you are, and the context in which you come from, are a large part of what makes you a successful creator.

Whether you started out in the spotlight, behind the camera, or anywhere in between, creators are well versed in different skills. Honing in on certain areas by being hands-on, modern creators learn how to edit video through tutorials, design their own graphics by learning photoshopand even create their own music tracks. It helps to learn a little bit of everything, even if you have your own video team. The modern creator wants to know it all.


This financial ecosystem is DEFI at all and consists of softwares processing on blockchain.


The game will be played in order to symbolize nft photographs and other digital file types.


The project will distribute awards within the ecosystem presenting a financial DEFI network based on web 3.0


The game is designed to make people have an experience a DEFI game joy and gain a seat in their lifes forever.


My universe that is a DEFI project does not only aim to create a metaverse ecosystem, also establishing its own financial “galaxy”.


My universe will enable people to create instant NFT marketplaces while fighting in their battlefield and sell these mentioned NFTsthrough our DEFI stock exchange.


My universe will also allow you to interact and trade between each other using this instantaneous NTF marketplace and execute a native financial ecosystem.


With WEB 3.0, people are already able to communicate with each other online via digital platforms. But the idea of Metaverseplans to take the dimension of human interactions to a very different place than that. Thanks to Metaverse, people will be able to find themselves in a digital universe through virtual reality or augmented reality and get lost in this universe.

Virtual reality technology is currently mostly used in games. However, Metaversewill significantly expand the use of virtual reality and augmented reality. So in this digital universe, probably by creating a three-dimensional avatar; It is expected that it will be possible to perform many daily activities such as working, traveling, playing games, going to concerts, shopping. However, it should be noted that these are just dreams for now.

It should not go without saying that cryptocurrencies also have an important place in the metaverse. If you are already aware of the increasing NFT sales in recent months, you can guess the connection of the metaversewith them. Many works sold as NFTs are protected in digital worlds. These works are also planned to be exhibited and sold in the metaverse. Metaversewill be able to provide the opportunity to use any virtual asset owned in the digital universe thanks to blockchaintechnology. To summarize briefly, cryptocurrencies can enable a virtual economy to form and operate successfully.


We said that Metaversewill not be a universe for games only, but a virtual universe where you can perform many functions. Leading figures in the tech industry also say that they have a lot of things to be excited about besides games. They want the metaverseto have real-time 3D graphics, personalized avatars, more targeted social interactions than stereotypical games, the creation of human virtual environments, and an economic system that makes people money.

In short, the metaversewill be able to make most anything you can imagine take place in a virtual universe. People like Tim Sweeney and Mark Zuckerberg also state that they are building only a part of this huge database. You can think of it like the internet today. According to experts, the metaverseis what smartphones are to mobile phones in the 1980s, but for today’s virtual reality technology. So the metaverseis a much broader concept than one might think.

As a result, the metaverseis defined as the future of the internet, even though it sounds like science fiction for now. Although many people are skeptical about this issue, it would not be wrong to say that it is exciting to have a virtual universe where anything can be done in the future. Maybe we will spend all our time here in the future, or who knows, maybe this technology will develop so much that there will be situations such as consciousness transfer to the metaverse.


The $MUNToken is currently a standard BEP20 token of the BinanceSmart Chain network with a limited supplyof $MUV.

The technology is also ready to create tokens following the ERC-20 standard of the EthereumSmart Chain in the future.


My Universe offers affordance to the players. This mentioned affordance is «literally unlimited».

Imagine a universe in which you can become «THE CREATOR». So we(again using the phrase of «literallyunlimited» offer you an unlimited creation ability in My Universe.

