Designing Learning Series

‘Chalk and Talk’ or Technology. Do I Have a Choice?

Making a case of the complementary role of technology in achieving an impactful learning experience.

Abd Karim Alias
Anecdotes of Academia
8 min readJun 3, 2019


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow
John Dewey.

Recently I shared one article on the Facebook (FB) group, Learning innovation Circle (LIC) and asked for comments from the members. The article, “Chalk and Talk’ Might be the Best Way to Teach After All”, sparked the idea for this brief article.

The article I shared on FB described the ‘finding’ of seventy teachers from the UK who visited Shanghai to investigate why Chinese students perform so well in international tests such as PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS (see below). Upon their return, the teachers reported that much of China’s success came from “chalk and talk” approach, rather than the much-hyped ‘student-centred learning’ and the collaborative form of learning where students take greater control.



Abd Karim Alias
Anecdotes of Academia

A Professor of Food Technology at Univ Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) (since 1994). A strong advocate of online education and driven by a passion to share knowledge.