What Are Mesh Coils? Benefits & How They Compare to Regular Coils

3 min readDec 1, 2022


There are numerous varieties of vape coils on the marketplace, each having advantages and disadvantages that are appropriate for certain types of vapers. Mesh coils will be the center of this article, along with their benefits and suitability for different types of vapers.

What is a mesh coil?

Mesh coils are large metal strips having holes pierced through them to resemble pieces of mesh. It is designed to provide a lot of surface area within the vape coil.

The coil will come into contact with the wicking material and the e-liquid more frequently if the coil has a larger surface area. This implies that additional e-liquid is vaporized simultaneously when the coil warms up in comparison to a single vertical coil of wire.

Mesh coils are so well-liked because of the flavor and vapor production they provide. Vaping produces more flavor and vapor since greater surface area and e-liquid are being vaporized.

What advantages do mesh coils offer?

Mesh vape coils have numerous advantages. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Powerful e-liquid flavor

The flavor of your e-liquid is more potent because of the greater surface area.

  • Added vapor

Its huge surface area increases the amount of vapor produced, much like the flavor.

  • Shorter ramp-up period

Mesh coils heat up more quickly and more thoroughly because of their design. As a result, the ideal vaping temperature is reached faster.

  • Regular vaping experience

There aren’t any loose wires and hot spots because it is a single piece of metal having uniform holes bored through it, giving you a steady sensation.

  • Higher durability

Coils that last longer go in tandem with regularity. Mesh allows for extended coil life since there are no hot areas to scorch the wicking material.

  • Lower energy use

Mesh vape coils require less energy to attain their ideal temperature since they heat up stronger, faster, and more regularly.

Do mesh coils fit my needs?

Mesh vape coils are excellent for almost all vapers.

They create a stable vaping sensation with exceptional flavor and vapor output, as was already noted.

One thing to keep in mind is that they require significantly more e-liquid due to their much larger surface area. Enough to make the transition from a mesh coil to a conventional coil noticeable. Therefore, remember that you’d like to shun a mesh coil for the time being if you are a beginner vaper or don’t want to be refilling frequently during the day.

Advanced vapers who utilize higher-power sub-ohm tanks will also experience substantially faster e-liquid consumption.

Mesh Coil vs Regular Coil

If you need to understand everything there is to know about vape coils, check out our comprehensive guide to regular coils, which come in a variety of sizes and shapes. In what ways does mesh coil compare to other kinds of vape coils, though?

Are mesh coils more durable than other coils?

Definitely, yes. Contrary to conventional vape coils, mesh coils usually last longer.

They are set up so that they will reach practically every portion of the cotton because of the way the wicking fabric is coiled around the mesh.

This implies that the likelihood of hot spots — areas of your coils that heat much faster than others — is greatly reduced. If these hot patches appear, the cotton is burned as it dries, giving the food a constant burnt flavor. Mesh almost completely solves this issue.

A mesh vape coil should have a longer lifespan than a typical vertical vape coil.

Sub-Ohm Tanks and Mesh Coils

Sub-ohm tanks work really well with mesh vape coils. Because of their uniformity and lack of hot spots, your coil and wicking material are considerably less likely to produce any dry hits when higher power is applied to them.

But as was already noted, mesh coils and high powers use your e-liquid considerably more quickly. Therefore, if you use a sub-ohm mesh coil, you will need to top it off several times per day.

Positively speaking, your favorite e-liquid will have amazing flavor and produce dazzling clouds of vapor.

Originally published at https://myvapereview.com/guides/what-is-a-mesh-coil/ on 11/28,2022.

