
My VPworld
1 min readFeb 12, 2020


We are determined by the association and interaction of the 5 elements
that contributed to the creation of the Universe: water, earth, fire, air
and Ether (Akasha). We are made of the Universe 💫🧩

Akasha is the primordial material that permeates everything that exists.
It’s a kind of matrix where everything took place, takes place and will come from. The Akashic records (library / universal intelligence) contain all information, events, thoughts, words, emotions from the past, present
and future. Look deep into Nature and then, you will understand
everything better 👁


“Remember to open your heart. Life is precious. Feel it.”
Daniel Popper.

This artist from Cape Town built « Ven a la Luz » during Art with Me Festival 2018 with his team in Tulum, to symbolize our deep connection with Nature and ourselves 🔗

This 10 meters tall sculpture, made with Steel, wood, Rope and Greenery is now permanently installed at Ahau Tulum, a resort hotel and community based on the principles of Mother Nature 🌍

“Ahau Tulum, where Nature is the new luxury ».

