2 min readMay 4, 2017


Hello its me i was wondering if we could have coffee sometime and talk.
Hello once again i was wondering if i still have a chance to explain myself

You were one of the nicest boy i had ever met. Everyone was so happy because I had finally found a good guy. My mom was like God is great you've found your Mr.Right . You were someone who wouldn’t take my heart and break it into pieces. How could I?? Even after everyone around you spoke of your kindness.

I was so nervous to get involved. My last sort of relationship had nearly destroyed me, so any hint of a romantic connection sent me running. I waited weeks because of my resistance and you persisted until I told you I was ready to try it out.

At first I didn’t see your weaknesses. I couldn’t either tel you that I was lying because I hadn’t realized it yet. My head said go but my heart said wait.

The stuff i found charming in the beginning quickly began to suffocate me. Your pride paralyzed me. Your confident killed me.

I now needed space to be, and i needed to do that without you. You didn’t seem to understand what i wanted and i couldn’t find words to communicate.

I desperately needed you to hear me but you were no where. Your friends mattered and i was just a matter. You began to move so fast and the story about your family left me gasping for air. My heart couldn’t hold on, it kept screaming I stop.

This was too much I wasn’t ready, i was wrong.l was drowning in the depth of emotion you didn’t know how to save me that’s why i always sob.

Finally i ran.I couldn’t take it anymore.I didn’t know what to do. Am sorry i couldn’t explain, i didn’t own how i felt, i dint communicate for breaking your heart and for leaving with no full explanation.




I write , i think, i feel and Entertain you welcome to my world