Successful Real Estate Agents Use 5 — Steps To Answer/ Address Questions And Concerns

my web voice
2 min readMar 2, 2022

While there are many real estate agents that are successful, it is helpful to look at what the best ones do and how they stand out from the rest. It is their ability to address and answer questions effectively and to the best of their abilities that differentiates them from other agents. This also helps to satisfy potential clients and customers. As a licensed salesperson in New York Real Estate, I have been a member of the five — step system for over 15 years. They effectively address client concerns and answer their questions. This article will briefly review, discuss, and address why this approach is so effective.

1. Listen carefully:Don’t try to judge what another person’s concerns are. Instead, listen carefully and thoroughly. Then, make sure you understand what the other person is asking. Too many people rush to reply, which can sometimes lead to the opening of the Pandora’s Box and creates more questions and concerns that the other person didn’t have before. This can be done by saying . In other words, you need to tell him what you think.

2. Empathy:Considering that the value of our home is the largest financial asset we have, and many consider it to be an essential part of the American Dream, people are looking for someone who cares about them. Listen to the client and focus on their best interests. This is a great way to express your feelings.

3. Answer to their satisfactionTransition the discussion by adding until they realize a few things. Answer fully to their satisfaction and not just to yours. Wait for an indication. This could be a gesture or body language, nodding or verbal statement.

4. Create/recreate the need (inspire/motivate): Depending on the relationship and the time the concern was raised, you will need to either create or recreate the need in an inspiring and motivating manner. Using expressions such as Based on what we’ve reviewed and discussed, often moves the discussion forward effectively!

5. Closing the deal: Although the four previous steps are necessary and important, until/unless an agent closes the deal by creating a meaningful meeting -of -the — minds and a true agreement level, the process will not progress in the best way possible!

Practice, discipline, dedication, knowledge, action and consistency are the keys to success! These are the tasks and skills you will need to be successful.

