The standard Alkaline Ionizer for Purifying the Water

My Welocity Booster
3 min readFeb 5, 2022


The popular saying is that alkaline water is better than purified or RO water. There are reasons why you should drink alkaline water.

Balancing the pH level of Blood.

Balancing the pH level helps you stay healthy. This is why it’s recommended to drink alkaline water. The main difference is alkaline water maintains the pH of the blood. Normal drinking water obtained from traditional sources is acidic in nature and causes several health problems. Drinking ionized alkaline content is of utmost importance. Alkaline water ionizers help in balancing the pH level, making it suitable for consumption.


Drinking alkaline water ensures detoxification. Alkaline water is responsible for flushing away toxins. In addition to consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink at least 8 glasses of alkaline ionized water that raises the pH level. It can help in the improvement of kidney functioning and detoxifying your body.

Improvement of Immune System

Ionized Alkaline water plays an important role in boosting the immune system. Alkaline water neutralizes the free radicals, cleansing the toxins. Alkaline water significantly improves the immune system providing long-term health benefits.

Losing Weight

Alkaline water helps you lose weight. Junk foods are unhealthy increasing acidity in your body. Drinking alkaline water neutralizes acidity and avoid weight gain.

Curbing diabetes

Consumption of pH 8.5 alkaline water ensures keeping away the chances of high blood sugar or diabetes. Ionized Alkaline water balances the functioning of the pancreas keeping the glucose levels in control.

Acidic reflux

Drinking alkaline water eradicates the chances of acidic reflux. Higher pH kills pepsin that serves as the enzyme involved in the breakdown of the protein responsible for acid reflux. Acid reflux causes severe damage to the body leading to gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

The best equipment for the alkaline water

Alkaline Water ionizer provides safe, clean and germ-free water. Welocity Booster Alkaline Water ionizer gives you the best & purest form of alkaline ionized water enriching your body. Antioxidant-rich water is responsible for fighting harmful free radicals and neutralizing acidic stress in the body.

Micro Clustering property will guarantee the easy and fast absorption of water into each cell. Welocity Booster Alkaline Water ionizer provides naturally alkaline water, ensuring pH balance and increasing metabolism of the body to fight diseases. High pH electrolyte water ensures reduction of blood viscosity, thickness and stickiness of the blood. The water derived from Welocity Booster Alkaline Water ionizer ensures reducing cardiovascular strain due to dehydration. So, be ready to improve the healthy heart by daily consumption of alkaline ionized water.

Final words

Booster Alkaline Water ionizer has become a pioneer in giving the best drinking water that can provide the finest quality water. Inbuilt TDS Controller in Alkaline Water Ionizer offers you water loaded with alkali and minerals essential for good health. Pick the best ionizer that can hydrate your body, have healthy skin, and improve digestion.



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